New MillsWhaley Bridge

Newwha one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting New Mills and Whaley Bridge.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting New Mills and Whaley Bridge.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Problems reported -  Access (1)

Downloads - 12


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

New Mills
Grid Ref SJ9994185403
Lat / Lon 53.36552° / -2.00233°
Easting / Northing 399,942E / 385,404N
Whaley Bridge
Grid Ref SK0115581467
Lat / Lon 53.33013° / -1.98412°
Easting / Northing 401,155E / 381,467N
What3Words lotteries.lighten.query

Newwha One's land is

Pasture 22.2%
Urban 69.7%
Woods 8.1%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



02 Jul 2023 Summer

I'm disappointed this excellent walking route has been flagged, yes I agree it could be improved for some users but that would be a different route. As a walking route with bags of interest along the way this is a five star Slow Way. No stiles but steps and bikes. Services just off route at Furness Vale.

I walked from New Mills a most interesting town and one I always enjoy visiting. As a tourist I enjoyed the dip into The Torrs but I accept a level route would be better for regular commuting. It was good to see the old mill, derelict on my first visit has now found a popular use. The twisting route here can be a challenge but the plot is fairly accurate.

The Swizzels factory was not emitting the usual sweet aroma as I passed today but those brightly coloured tuck shop sweets must remain popular. Once on the canal it is very easy going with lots to see on the water and across the valley. Signs warning of Giant Hogweed were more likely to warn boats as I could see none along the towpath.

Furness Vale offers trains buses and inn and perhaps shops but I didn't stray to investigate. I guess the plot does use the bridge over the Bugsworth Basin Arm but I went to explore the tunnel, more of a bridge, under the canal which also gives direct access to the supermarket car park and store.

Not a lot of bikes during my walk along the good quality path surface.

Lauren G

26 Mar 2022 Spring

As noted by previous reviewer - a well-used, accessible and pleasant towpath stroll. Pedestrians, keep an ear out for bike bells while you're admiring the excellent views out over the valley, or the pretty canal barges with the daft names.


07 Aug 2021 Summer

An excellent route on a broad, surfaced towpath most of the way.
Just two, possibly three pinch points as the route stands.
1. Crossing the River Goyt in New Mills (photo 1). The bridge leads to a steep climb with a flight of steps. There is a longer but more attractive route through the Tors.
2. Crossing the Peak Forest canal at its junction with the Whaley Bridge arm of the canal (photo 2). This is a footbridge with flights of steps. There are two alternatives of which I think the cobbled accesses to/from the tunnel under the canal might be too steep and bumpy for mobility scooters (photo 3). The third alternative is described in NewWha 3.
3. The narrow footbridge in Whaley Bridge canal basin (photo 4) I'm not sure of the width of push chairs and mobility scooters.

  • Lauren G

    Lauren G

    26 Mar 2022

    As noted by previous reviewer - a well-used, accessible and pleasant towpath stroll. Pedestrians, keep an ear out for bike bells while you're admiring the excellent views out over the valley, or the pretty canal barges with the daft names.

  • Lauren G

    Lauren G

    26 Mar 2022

    whoops that was meant to be a review, bear with me

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New Mills—Whaley Bridge

Newwha two




184 m


186 m

New Mills—Whaley Bridge

Newwha three




89 m


83 m

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