
Helgar one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Hellifield and Gargrave.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Hellifield and Gargrave.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

This route has been flagged (2 times) for reasons relating to safety.

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Not verified

Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Is this route good enough? -  No (3)

Problems reported -  Access (1) Safety (2)

Downloads - 3


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SD8554256507
Lat / Lon 54.00440° / -2.22208°
Easting / Northing 385,542E / 456,507N
What3Words darling.honeybees.dentistry
Grid Ref SD9317454104
Lat / Lon 53.98296° / -2.10558°
Easting / Northing 393,174E / 454,104N
What3Words sleeps.lavender.conveying

Helgar One's land is

Pasture 87.8%
Urban 12.2%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



20 Dec 2022 Autumn

I walked this route as I had a solution that avoided walking on the road as described in the other reviews, but I found another issue.

On the section between ///paused.customers.elbow and ///connected.boardroom.debit a stile was missing and the exit onto Moorber Ln had been closed off. After the walk I checked the public right of way definitive map and that stretch is not on it (even though it looks to be a historic footpath). I have enclosed a picture of the blocked access.

Given the omission from the definitive map, blocked access and missing stile I would suggest that this route is not used (shame as it was a pleasent walk other than that [the alternative route that avoided the road]).

Mary Oz

05 May 2022 Spring

Following Andrew Simmons review, I absolutely agree that this route is dangerous, using the busy A65 between Coniston Cold and the railway line. I know that road and it is always very busy with cars and trucks often travelling at 50-60mph, and there is often no verge, never mind pavement. I attach a screengrab from Google Street View.

Andrew Simmons

09 Feb 2022 Winter

This route starts and ends well, but has serious issues in the middle which means I cannot recommend it.
It leaves the village of Hellifield by pleasant parkland and passes the historic Hellifield Peel, before crossing farmland to reach the busy main road. Once crossed, the route continues on a good track through the Coniston Cold estate and hotel grounds.
However, here the route now directs you onto a path that does not appear to be a public right of way, then onto the busy A65. Walking along here is not safe as there is no footpath and requires you to cross a narrow bridge which is barely wide enough for two way traffic.
After this, the route crosses farmland to join the Pennine Way into Gargrave.

  • Mary Oz

    Mary Oz

    05 May 2022

    Andrew, your alternative route is gorgeous! You should really review it yourself, as encouraged by the Slow Ways organisation, to help it get fully verified and snailed.

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