Abbey WoodErith

Abberi one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Abbey Wood and Erith.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Abbey Wood and Erith.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Abbey Wood
Grid Ref TQ4738479026
Lat / Lon 51.49098° / 0.12157°
Easting / Northing 547,385E / 179,026N
What3Words mixer.swift.palace
Grid Ref TQ5113078110
Lat / Lon 51.48176° / 0.17509°
Easting / Northing 551,130E / 178,110N
What3Words orchestra.strut.analogy

Abberi One's land is

Green urban 23.1%
Intertidal flats 7.2%
Urban 69.7%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



11 Aug 2023 Summer

I left my comment in reply to Daisy. Due to new housing need to follow Green Chain and Thames Path in Erith. Lesnes Abbey Park went to right , when could of gone straight on. Lots of green space.

Daisy C

09 Dec 2022 (edited 09 Jul 2023) Autumn

A very enjoyable route with two large parks, quiet streets and walking along the Thames waterfront at Erith. That was a wonderful surprise, the combination of low tide mudflats, the light at dusk and clouds of wintering ducks and waders was enchanting.

I had a few niggles though. It uses a public footpath which is actually a muddy lane beside Lesnes Abbey Woods, but the woods are owned by the council and the easiest path through is less muddy and rather lovely. Overall the GPS routing is a bit rough which is a little frustrating in both woodland and park sections where there are branching paths. At one point I was trying to find an exit on the far side of a playground which only has one way in. Embarrassing. And once it's joined the well signposted Green Chain Walk it doesn't stick to it. But the problem I think is actually serious is right at the start outside Abbey Wood Station, it looks good on a map but in 3-D reality it's either impossible or off-putting. At the station exit there is a road in front of you so it's the obvious right turn to take, but if you do then you can't turn left onto Abbey Road as per the route unless you jump off the side of the flyover. Not recommended. If you start by going down the stairs/lift to the right of the station and follow the line below the flyover instead it appears to send you into a private yard full of cars, although actually you can go through. After that you will get onto Abbey Road and can turn right but it's fairly busy and you'll need to cross, but the good crossing (pelican) is behind you, so you'd need to double back. And you won't even have gone past the shops on the small high street close by. Using the flyover there's actually a very simple way that gets you into the woods very quickly (see AbbBex 2) and if you want to use the high street try AbbEri 2. Actually just use AbbEri 2 anyway.

I had a great time walking this route but think the problem at the start tips it from do-able into troublesome. I've added a tidied up version so that walkers can just relax and enjoy one of the best Slow Ways in South East London.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    09 Jan 2023

    I've uploaded a new version, AbbEri Two. Now follows footpaths in the parks and an easier way from Abbey Wood Station to the Abbey itself, also sticks to the Green Chain Walk route so you can use the signage.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    21 Mar 2023

    The distance and elevation differences between AbbEri 1 and 2 seem unlikely. It's probably just a rounding artifact, and maybe GPS creation programs which measure small rises and falls differently. E.g. creation app for AbbEri 1 probably only registering +/-5m changes, and the program for AbbEri 2 set at 1m.

  • Lizbiz70


    11 Aug 2023

    I agree the rooting was an issue acroos Lesnes Park but I think that was to ensure it was totally accessible. I think the path missessome great paths through the wood. A couple of fights of steps at the station but a nice walk.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    19 Dec 2023

    Hi Liz, you're probably right, it looks the best option from the details showing on an OS map, but in practice it seems flawed to me. And I really love those woodland paths at Lesnes Abbey!
    I'm afraid I didn't get a notification about your comment, sorry my reply is so late.

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Abbey Wood—Erith

Abberi two




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97 m

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