Only use this page to report problems with a route. Problems might include routes being badly drawn, inappropriate or not fitting with the Slow Ways methodology.
To report problems with paths (such as locked gates, rampant overgrowth, missing signs or blockages) please contact Rambler's Pathwatch
Existing problems reported with Uxbhay-379
- 2 issues with this route: 1 - route goes through a gate to Brunel University and this gate is only open 7am - 7pm weekedays, closed at weekends. Instead of that I suggest route should continue down Cleveland Road, past Brunel, then left onto a well signposted footpath (U68) that is opposite Station Road. This is a wide dirt track, doesnt add any time to the route, it's always open and is a small part of the Celandine Route. 2 - at Stockley Park along the A408, this route indicates a left turn but this is very narrow gate, is seriously overgrown and not passable safely. Instead of that I followed the A408 into Stockley Park but that becomes quite confusing to find the way through Stockley Park and onto the London Loop. Looking at the map I see we could actually turn left earlier into Hale Field Park and join the London Loop from there which I beleive would make much more sense. I can redo this walk and share the GPX for both of the above, if that is best way to show you this! I will wait until these changes are made before reveiwing. Reported 21 Jan 2022