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Review — 9258

Existing problems reported with 9258

  • Please can you remove Maiasc Zero which is showing in my reviews waylist THIS LINK It's another blank one. However, please be careful about The text says there is no route for Maidenhead to Ascot, but the map shows my Skipton to Cross Hills route, although clicking that takes you to SkiCro Zero which is blank. I re-uploaded SkiCro Three which seems to be okay. There seems to be an ongoing occasional problem when uploading a new route, possibly when someone else happens to submit something at the same time. There is now no Maidenhead to Ascot at all, and my Skipton to Cross Hills disappeared (but I uploaded it again), and also when I added Preston Leyland (PreLey Two) it somehow got linked to Thorniehill-Barrhead near Glasgow as far as my waylist map goes Reported 12 Jul 2022

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