Existing problems reported with 26
- I think this review is also on the wrong route. It mentions going on Bowen Drive and past Kingswood House and they are both on WesCry 2 but not here. It's a bit confusing, especially as the writer then discusses a whole load of other roads/places, some of which might actually be on WesCry 1. I saw there is a flag on one of the reviews, so perhaps someone already noticed and adding the flag was the workaround to stop it counting. Reported 16 Sep 2023
- Inconsistency in photo thumbnail display for portrait oriented photos (and one other), possibly linked to the process by which they were uploaded. E.g. Rombre 2 thumbnails on route Overview page. Photos 1-7 uploaded with route: portrait photos = 6, 7: both thumbnails are portrait. Photos 8-21 from a review: portrait = 17: thumbnail is landscape but only shows middle part of photo - missing the full scope. Photos 22-28 from a photo survey: portrait = 22, 24, 26: thumbnails are all portrait. But photo 28 is different again as the photo is actually landscape (just! 1280 x 1251 pixels) but the whitespace surrounds the thumbnail display as if it were portrait. Is this is a new feature? I remember "portrait" thumbnails like photo 17 before. I'm not sure it's a success as the amount of white space now on the page rather defeats the purpose of a quick view of thumbnails, particularly when using a landscape computer screen. Maybe the whitespace could be shown as vertical white bands within portrait thumbnails so the on-route-page alignment and white space doesn't change? Or just return it to all being like 17 again - is there a functional need for full scope thumbnails for every portrait oriented photo? Reported 29 Dec 2023
- My last two surveys have not appeared on the site. Yeapoo 1 and poohar 1 from about two weeks ago. Tq Reported 14 Mar 2022
- A portion of this route is quite unsuitable for walkers. Farringdon Road (followed for approximately one mile between Gozzard’s Ford and the A415) has no footway or safe verges and is busy with fast-moving traffic. Cycling along here is bad enough. I wouldn’t walk along here with my family (and I’m reasonably bold about this kind of thing)! Reported 25 Oct 2022
- This route goes over MOD land which is not open to the public. Please remove. Reported 25 Oct 2021
- Hi Slow Ways Support, When I reviewed Wilsal One over the weekend I came across a bees' nest over a footpath. I've reported it to the council, shared on local social media and got in touch with the local Ramblers group, and for Slow Ways' purposes prefaced the review I posted with a warning detailing where it is and how and to avoid. I plan update/remove that part once its been sorted. I'm in two minds whether I should also “Report a problem” with the route however. On the one hand it might help draw attention as it remains a risk for people who might unknowingly follow it should the someone not read the review. On the other the “Report a problem” feature feels more for permanent issues with the route. What do you think? Kind regards, Charles Reported 28 Jun 2023