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Comment — 40

Existing problems reported with 40

  • The route suggested is not accessible - there is no access to the Buckinghamshire bank of the Thames from Taplow Riverside running north to Cliveden, nor from Cliveden to Hedsor. An alternative is to follow the Berkshire bank to Cookham Bridge and then take the footpath to Hedsor and rejoin the existing route; but an even better (shorter) alternative is to follow the National Trust path from Maidenhead town centre through Maidenhead Commons to Cookham and then over the bridge. Reported 26 Apr 2021
  • There is an anomaly with Yate to Frampton Cotterell-winterbourne. The Slow Ways map indicates that there is a Slow Way between these two places but a click through from the line leads to a blank page and the Slow Way is not mentioned on either of the place pages. Is there a Slow Way GPX for this route? Is there meant to be? Reported 12 Feb 2023

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