New to Slow Ways?

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

of the 6750 Slow Ways on this map are already triple-checked, verified and trustworthy. Can you give a hike and check another?

Choose a Slow Way
Walk it on your own or in a group
Review it so the next person knows what to expect
Help create a national walking network... and make the world a better place!


routes drafted


routes verified

71,200 km


We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain’s towns and cities

What if there was an official network of walking routes connecting all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks?

Volunteers all over the country have already drafted it! Over 130,000km (81,000 miles) of routes join up all of Great Britain’s towns and cities.

Now these handmade, crowd-sourced routes need checking. Can you help?

Just choose a route, walk it, and review it – that’s all!

Slow Ways in the news

“Slow Ways is not just a tool to encourage us to walk more, it is a campaigning tool. Once a route is identified, there is something to defend and to improve” BBC News

“Walkers, your country needs you” National Geographic

Read about our 3800km-long trail that joins every national park, in The Times. Or read our story here, or the Daily Mail’s here

See our beautiful new map in the Scotsman here; its place-names are in Welsh and Scottish Gaelic only where names exist. Buy it here!

Photo by David Sanderson on Twitter

Plan a Slow Ways journey

Use Slow Ways to discover suggested walking routes between neighbouring cities, towns and villages.

You can find routes by using the search box and by browsing the map above – just click on the dots and lines. Plan longer journeys by combining Slow Ways routes in the Journey Planner.

To get started, sign up, then:

– Choose a Slow Ways route
– Walk, or wheel it
– Review it

Follow routes on our free iOS app, download them to your favourite walking app, print them out, draw them onto a map or memorize them – the choice is yours.

Share your Slow Ways walks, stories and photos with other people. Our hashtag is #SlowWays.