
Brighton New Brighton completed

By David Sanderson

Total distance 531.7km/330.4mi. 54 routes.
Estimated walking time 106 hours 46 minutes.

Routes on this waylist

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Collective Stats

Here’s our collective progress on reviewing these routes

100% of routes reviewed

44% of routes surveyed

83% of routes verified

532km of 532km reviewed

Whole network stats

77,279km of 139,431km reviewed

Route Distance Download (.gpx)
Lictam two 12.5km/7.8mi
Ruglic two 16.2km/10.1mi
Tampol two 8.0km/5.0mi
Starug two 18.3km/11.4mi
Cameus one 1.5km/0.9mi
Polath two 7.8km/4.9mi
Brirug two 9.8km/6.1mi
Bedbri one 13.3km/8.3mi
Bednun one 6.4km/4.0mi
Athnun two 9.7km/6.0mi
Stosta two 15.6km/9.7mi
Stosto two 12.7km/7.9mi
Creals one 10.6km/6.6mi
Alskid two 4.9km/3.0mi
Kidsto two 11.7km/7.3mi
Banred one 13.0km/8.1mi
Bansut one 4.8km/3.0mi
Sutmit one 6.8km/4.2mi
Toomit one 2.8km/1.7mi
Clatoo one 4.8km/3.0mi
Clache one 3.4km/2.1mi
Chevic one 2.5km/1.6mi
Vicoxf one 2.7km/1.7mi
Oxfeus one 2.1km/1.3mi
Wincre two 19.1km/11.8mi
Hemwat two 14.7km/9.1mi
Berhem one 5.9km/3.7mi
Breham one 6.0km/3.7mi
Busedg one 9.1km/5.7mi
Watbus one 2.7km/1.7mi
Hamcam two 3.4km/2.1mi
Edgbre two 8.3km/5.2mi
Redhor two 9.0km/5.6mi
Crahor two 8.5km/5.3mi
Crahay one 18.0km/11.2mi
Burhay four 8.6km/5.3mi
Pyebur one 8.0km/5.0mi
Pyebri one 11.2km/7.0mi
Triber two 9.2km/5.7mi
Tripit two 7.6km/4.7mi
Leipit two 14.0km/8.7mi
Blelei one 13.2km/8.2mi
Milble two 6.3km/3.9mi
Yarmil two 15.5km/9.7mi
Yarhar two 6.9km/4.3mi
Northart two 13.5km/8.4mi
Westnor two 22.2km/13.8mi
Rugwes three 17.8km/11.1mi
Kelwin two 15.7km/9.8mi
Chekel two 14.1km/8.8mi
Ellche four 14.5km/9.0mi
Bebell three 15.7km/9.8mi
Birbeb one 4.3km/2.7mi
Walbir one 6.8km/4.2mi