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Suggest a new route option for Malpic between Malton and Pickering

Want to suggest another way to walk, or wheel, this route? Please only add new routes that add significantly to routes already published.

Firstly, take a look at How to add a new Slow Ways route for information about why you might add a route.

All Slow Ways routes should follow a set methodology. As far as is reasonable it should:

  1. be safe
  2. respect local codes and laws
  3. be accessible to as many people as possible
  4. be direct
  5. be off road
  6. have resting places to eat or sleep every 5-10km
  7. pass through train and bus stations
  8. be easy to navigate
  9. be enjoyable and beautiful
  10. use established routes (such as the Welsh Coast Path), but not be distracted by them!

Suggest a new route option for Malpic between Malton and Pickering.

Any new option for Malpic must start and finish at the published meeting points.

Grid Ref Lon/Lat What3Words
Malton SE7868571397 -0.79730 / 54.13242 earth.comforted.regarding
Pickering SE7967884073 -0.77876 / 54.24617 stems.weary.scatter

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