Connect Oakham with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Oakham to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Slow Ways linking Oakham and Ashby Folville, Colsterworth, Houghton on the Hill, Melton Mowbray, Stamford, Uppingham

England / Rutland / Oakham

Oakham’s six Slow Ways are 54% checked

Drawn: 6/6
reviewed: 5/6
verified: 1/6
and surveyed: 1/6

Help connect Oakham

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Oakham’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Oakham from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Ashby Folville—Oakham
Ashoak one

Double check Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 267m Descent 291m
Ashby Folville—Oakham
Ashoak two Review me Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 305m Descent 279m
Houghton on the Hill—Oakham
Houoak one

Double check Distance 23km/14mi Ascent 356m Descent 417m
Melton Mowbray—Oakham
Meloak one Pioneer me Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 291m Descent 258m
Melton Mowbray—Oakham
Meloak two

Double check Distance 20km/12mi Ascent 191m Descent 225m
Melton Mowbray—Oakham
Meloak three Review me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent 294m Descent 261m
Oakcol one

Double check Distance 23km/14mi Ascent 187m Descent 195m
Oakcol two

Double check Distance 25km/15mi Ascent 160m Descent 167m
Oakcol three Review me Distance 25km/16mi Ascent 228m Descent 234m
Oaksta one

Enjoy me Distance 20km/13mi Ascent 259m Descent 178m
Oaksta two Review me Distance 21km/13mi Ascent 176m Descent 259m
Oakupp one Pioneer me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 221m Descent 183m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Oakham and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

54% of Oakham’s six route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









8 people have contributed to Oakham’s Slow Ways

3 people have pledged to walk and review a route

4 people have surveyed a route in Oakham

211km out of 240km have been walked and reviewed

315km of reviews have been shared in Oakham

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James Francombe pledged to walk Oaksta two

Walk this route

A fairly easy-going walk in comparison to what I've done previously, I would recommend this walk to anyone who enjoys a walk around Rutland Water as I would say that was the highlight, otherwise it was fairly average and the accuracy of some of the route was so-so...

James Francombe

Walk this route

James Francombe pledged to walk Oaksta one

Walk this route

This route is a fail because it does not follow a right of way, it's a parish boundary, from Houghton Ingarsby Lane to The Dale Billesdon Coplow....


Walk this route

The exceptions are Whitwell village (where part of the route looks rather like a private drive), the left turn into the field north of Great Lane (which could do with a fingerpost) and the two large fields either side of New Road, which could have done with a more visible path. A shortcut path straight on takes us into the village, where there are a few more steps down to Main Street, where there is a pub off route to the left. Eventually we reach a signposted footpath junction, where the Viking Way heads left and we go right across the field - this was recently ploughed and the path line was unmarked - I hope it is better when the crops are higher. Since I already knew by this stage that I would be submitting this new route, I felt no qualms about straightening the line through the village by using the path almost opposite, which takes you to the church and another pub (currently closed looking for a buyer). Approaching North Witham I chose to use the quiet road rather than the less direct field path to the right. One more little used but unobstructed field path takes us to Stamford Road, another quiet road with wide verges which we follow into Colsterworth where it has a pavement....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson added Oakcol three, a new walk from Oakham to Colsterworth

Walk this route

The design of this route is mostly good, definitely better and safer than OakCol one, but the GPX plotting is wayward in places and potentially confusing, and it uses a path that does not exist north east of North Witham, so I have submitted a new version (OakCol three) and written a longer review with pictures there. The Viking Way part of this route is excellent....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

The creator of OakCol two clearly felt that the road sections of this route are problematic. In any case, the GPX plotting of both routes is wayward enough to be confusing in places, and since neither has any other reviews yet, I am planning to submit a replotted version with minor differences. The Viking Way sections are good, but some of the other paths are little used and harder to follow....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson took this photo on Oaksta two

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson took this photo on Oaksta one

Walk this route

From Oakham, we follow Catmose Street and Stamford Road out of the town - it is best to cross to the south side of Stamford Road early, as this offers the safer route across the ring road roundabout. Beyond the roundabout a good pavement/cycletrack follows the south side of the road for some distance, with a little detour to cross Old Stamford Road (i.e. the main road before the Rutland Water dam was built). After a while we leave the road to follow the reservoir edge around the Barnsdale hotel grounds (mostly tarmac but with a short rougher compacted gravel section), then follow a road uphill and turn right on a car park access road. Instead, follow the cars out then turn right a short distance to use the marina car park roads to find the cycle track. We then follow Main Street out of the village (there is a very short amount of verge walking beyond the houses), then bear right on a good if slightly muddy track past Chapel Spinney....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson added Oaksta two, a new walk from Oakham to Stamford

Walk this route

The worst error is at the Whitwell car park, where going north along the access road (Bull Brig Lane) does not lead back to the cycle track - the supposed path is a private drive which has private signs at both ends and at least one locked gate (see attached pictures)....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Here we leave the Leicestershire Round, and cross Main Street to take the footpath that starts across a playing field. We soon leave the main road, then take a lovely path through pastures and a small wilder area with gorse bushes, where we climb fairly steeply then follow field edges to the quiet Newbold Lane, which we follow into Somerby, turning right onto High Street, which has a good pavement on the north side. We then cross right through a small wood and up the hill to the Main Street of Cold Overton (no facilities here). The next field path can be a little confusing, as the line down to the left around a small fenced off area is not well marked, but you should find the exit easily enough if you trust the right of way line. We cross the road, go left a few steps and follow a little path to a large pasture, where the slope makes it easy to drift too far right, so keep an eye on the navigation....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route
Ashby Folville—Oakham

Hugh Hudson added Ashoak two, a new walk from Ashby Folville to Oakham

Walk this route

I have flagged it as don't know and submit a more tightly plotted alternative as ASHOAK 2, as there are a few places where the line could be clearer and a few more where the waymarks are not quite on the definitive line. I will post a more detailed review on ASHOAK 2....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Much of the walk is through farmers' fields (signposted footpaths) but you can't just walk through the field because it's boggy or pre-planted so you have to skirt around the edges which adds a lot more distance....

Stephen Morse

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson surveyed Meloak three

Walk this route

The other highlight for me was a section of the path between Somerby and Cold Overton which runs through a semi-wild area of long grass between a stream and a wood, which makes an excellent habitat for butterflies and damselflies. Further up the path is a little overgrown, but once out of the wood we are in access land, so you can take any line you like up the steep slope right to reach the Burrough Hill fort. Beyond the village we take the field path to Cold Overton, which is not too difficult to follow, though at one point a degree of confidence is required to enter a farmyard, and it has a number of stiles. The rest of the route is an easy walk down Cold Overton Road and a simple street walk through Oakham to the meeting point in the market place....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route
Melton Mowbray—Oakham

Hugh Hudson added Meloak three, a new walk from Melton Mowbray to Oakham

Walk this route

I eventually rejoined this route at Somerby and walked the rest of it, except that I stayed on Cold Overton Road because Manor Lane was also partially closed (possibly just to cars but I didn't fancy another retreat at this stage, and Cold Overton Road didn't seem dangerous). What I did of this route was very enjoyable, particularly the semi-wild space full of butterflies and damselflies on the footpath between Somerby and Cold Overton, though a few more points could have made the GPX better, so I'll flag it as a don't know until we know what the long term effect of the new road is....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Lizzie surveyed oakham

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The Tickencote to Empingham stretch is pleasant but the trek around the Anglia Water car parks and cycling routes around Rutland Water are a little tedious, though safe and off road....

[email protected]

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mjones69132 surveyed Oaksta one

Walk this route

Good route, a bit overgrown on the Rutland Round. Lovely walk through Rutland water....


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Melton Mowbray—Oakham

Lizzie added Meloak two, a new walk from Melton Mowbray to Oakham

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danravenellison surveyed Oakham

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Lizzie added Oakcol two, a new walk from Oakham to Colsterworth

Walk this route

Nice route with great views over Rutland Water. Lots of options to stop for coffee or a beer....


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Hannahadele8 surveyed Oakham

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Ashby Folville—Oakham

Slow Ways added Ashoak one, a new walk from Ashby Folville to Oakham

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Houghton on the Hill—Oakham

Slow Ways added Houoak one, a new walk from Houghton on the Hill to Oakham

Walk this route
Melton Mowbray—Oakham

Slow Ways added Meloak one, a new walk from Melton Mowbray to Oakham

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Oakcol one, a new walk from Oakham to Colsterworth

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Oaksta one, a new walk from Oakham to Stamford

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Oakupp one, a new walk from Oakham to Uppingham

Walk this route

Oakham, Wed 19 February


Oakham’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

52.67008° / -0.72751°

Easting / Northing

486,144E / 308,799N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Oakham and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Oakham's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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