Connect Yate with Slow Ways

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England / Gloucestershire / Yate

Yate’s eight Slow Ways are 59% checked

Drawn: 7/8
reviewed: 8/8
verified: 2/8
and surveyed: 1/8

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Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

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Walk to Yate from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne—Yate
Frayat zero Draw me Distance 0km/0mi Ascent - Descent -
Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne—Yate
Frayat one Survey me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent - Descent -
Hamyat one

Double check Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 105m Descent 144m
Hamyat two Enjoy me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent - Descent -
Hamyat three Verify me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent - Descent -
Thoyat one

Double check Distance 16km/10mi Ascent 150m Descent 124m
Thoyat two Review me Distance 16km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Wick (Bristol)—Yate
Wicyat two Review me Distance 14km/8mi Ascent - Descent -
Yate—Chipping Sodbury
Yatchi one Review me Distance 2km/1mi Ascent 25m Descent 8m
Yate—Chipping Sodbury
Yatchi two Review me Distance 2km/1mi Ascent - Descent -
Yatmar one Review me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent 259m Descent 154m
Yatshe one Review me Distance 17km/11mi Ascent 209m Descent 175m
Yatwot one

Double check Distance 16km/10mi Ascent 164m Descent 162m
Yatwot two

Verify me Distance 16km/10mi Ascent - Descent -

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Yate and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

55% of Yate’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









9 people have contributed to Yate’s Slow Ways

9 people have pledged to walk and review a route

2 people have surveyed a route in Yate

160km out of 160km have been walked and reviewed

273km of reviews have been shared in Yate

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A very nice walk, but would advise it is for sure-footed people as there are a few places with stiles, steep steps and uneven ground....

Nicola Taylor

Walk this route

A largely uneventful walk towards Yate, walking through mostly fields and one large golf course. At the time when I did the walk the paths were reasonably well maintained and the signs were clear, with only a few overgrown bits. About the golf course, I would say it is better to use the route map only as a general tool to orient yourself towards the correct direction and not to follow the GPX blindly....

Tony Or

Walk this route

The walk through the golf course is quite long, but it is pretty. The only let-down is that you have to keep a careful eye on the map to make sure you stay on track, which can take away from enjoying the surroundings. There were a few overgrown parts with nettle and bramble that made the walk less pleasant, but overall it's a fine walk....


Walk this route

Most of this route is walkable, if overgrown, through fields and some nice woodland at both ends. However, I can't comfortably recommend this route as it is for the network for 2 reasons:. From Yate, the route is clear to follow (though with some gates to climb) until you pass Inglestone Farm....


Walk this route

Shortly after, we lost the Slow Ways route as there were no paths in a field of newly planted trees, and we had to take a long detour as the occupant of a nearby dwelling clearly did not welcome walkers....

Tony Or

Walk this route

Duncan Porter pledged to walk Hamyat two

Walk this route

Duncan Porter pledged to walk Hamyat one

Walk this route

A lot of the route is on very quiet rural areas which was very pleasant but from a safety point of view it would be better to have company on this route3...

Ros p

Walk this route

This was a great, easy walk which was well surfaced in most places. Most of the paths are long straights, so don't expect too much difficulty in navigating - the route also runs alongside the train line for long stretches....

Tom Evans

Walk this route

As expected, it was largely an easy walk using well established and gravelled lanes, and quiet minor roads. This is to prevent traffic problems while the A432 is closed - there is no actual obstruction on the road, and it is in fact quite pleasant to walk down it knowing there will be no traffic at all!...


Walk this route

panifex added Hamyat three, a new walk from Hambrook to Yate

Walk this route

This entire Slow Way was lost for quite a while owing to a glitch in the Slow Ways website which has now been sorted, so I actually researched this route on the ground quite a few months ago and this is a review from April 2023. It walked fine but I can’t now remember it in detail. It uses fields and lanes to get out of Frampton Cotterell and pick up the Frome Valley walkway, which it uses to get most of the way into Yate....


Walk this route
Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne—Yate

Mockymock added Frayat one, a new walk from Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne to Yate

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson surveyed Hamyat two

Walk this route

This looks quite a good route on the map, but is let down by the neglect of two sections of field path. There were also similar but lesser issues with the path SW of Wickwar, and I must admit that having battled through those, I would have appreciated a more direct route into Yate too. The path across the fields to Nind Farm is well labelled and obviously trodden. So the road is reached with a strong sense of relief, and from here the route into Wickwar is good, becoming more trodden beyond the first large field. We follow a path around houses then across fields on a well trodden and cut path, but where the path divides our route takes us into a pasture bisected by an electric fence (no obvious crossing point), and once out of that field the next one is protected by a barbed wire fence....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson took this photo on Hamyat two

Walk this route

We start through the shopping centre and continue on a cycle track that reminded me of Milton Keynes, then follow a railway and cross a bridge into Wapley Common - here I stayed on the wide tarmac path rather than trying to follow the right of way around the west edge. Here we take the road opposite that climbs steeply up Ivory Hill, then take a path that leads into a small area of access land, which is mostly filled with holly bushes - there is a visible path which is easy enough to follow but quite difficult to use without being scratched by the rampant holly. At Down Road we cross the river and follow The Dingle, a riverside residential street, then take the track left that leads to a bridge, which we cross and continue on a good track (less of a hill than the OS 1:25000 suggests), then turn right when we reach the road, then take three left turns to reach and cross the river again....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Ran/walked this route 31/7/2023. On the whole it's a good route. I downloaded the GPX and tried to follow it but it wasn't always that easy, especially across the fields. It's not always clear where the path is and which way to go! In parts it's a little overgrown so long trousers are probably a good idea and given all the rain we've had, waterproof footwear would be advantageous as well. There was one field that was quite tricky to walk on as it was quite uneven underfoot and the long grass meant you couldn't see what you were putting your foot on. In places it was quite muddy and there was a steep, slippery section towards the end. In drier weather this would probably be ok. Some parts are really pretty, some parts are really quite remote - not sure I'd want to do it alone. There were no access issues though. There were cows out in some places and also sheep - neither bothered us today though. There was a village about half way with a small shop for refreshments. There is a very short section that crosses a fast, busy road. There is no footpath but there is a space/grass verge to walk off the road. Some of the route is on quiet country lanes, again with no footpath but there is hardly any traffic. It doesn't feel unsafe at all. I would recommend it and will probably do it again - now I know where to go it should be easier :)...


Walk this route

Entrance into Yate via quiet multiuser paths through Wapley Bushes nature reserve, then a green corridor by the railway, and on through the housing estates....


Walk this route

Mockymock added Hamyat two, a new walk from Hambrook to Yate

Walk this route

A really nice walk but there are a couple of minor blocked access issues on the existing plot at Park Lane (w3w budget.tucked.daydream) and at Boxhedge Farm (vent.utter.octagonal), plus altered footpath routing through the golf course at Kendleshire. I will share another, very similar route with a more accurate plot....


Walk this route

A generally very enjoyable route, mainly through rolling farmland pastures and arable fields, with an urban fringe nature reserve, some woodland edge and a corner of one of those big South Gloucestershire commons thrown in along the way. The Slow Way leaves Yate on quiet roads and paths via green spaces among housing and a path through a woodland nature reserve, leaving the town via the village of Yate Rocks, where it heads first into the valley, briefly on the Jubilee Way, but soon climbs away to track along a low ridge with extensive views west, and eventually reaches the village of Wickwar, where there is a tea room and a pub at the northern end of the high street. From Wickwar the route heads east down into a stream valley via an equine facility with grazing horses and up again to meet a lane along the western arm of Inglestone Common running along the northern edge of Lower Woods nature reserve. The route initially crosses a brook and heads through a little planted-up paddock where the path is not so obvious....


Walk this route

Mockymock added Yatwot two, a new walk from Yate to Wotton-under-Edge

Walk this route

A short, pleasant stroll along paved and gravelled footpaths through woods along the course of the River Frome, taking you from Yate’s vast, brash modern shopping centre (and very well-connected bus hub) to the very different environment of Chipping Sodbury’s magnificent old stone high street. Chalk and cheese, these close neighbouring towns! No barriers along the route....


Walk this route
Yate—Chipping Sodbury

Mockymock added Yatchi two, a new walk from Yate to Chipping Sodbury

Walk this route

This short route is safe and OK to walk but takes a little bit of a long route round by road when there is a more direct and greener route, plus the plot is a little wayward at the Yate end where it flies across the shopping centre carpark rather than routing along any of the pedestrian walkways. I will share a quicker, neater version....


Walk this route

Decent route overall but marred by an area of confusion around some new housing at the northern edge of Yate, where it is not possible to walk the route as currently plotted. I will share an accessible version....


Walk this route

Mockymock added Thoyat two, a new walk from Thornbury to Yate

Walk this route

Good route all the way from Thornbury to the edge of Yate where new and recent housing development has obliterated or rearranged the course of footpaths. It is easy enough to muddle around it all but I will share an alternative version which is easily navigable...


Walk this route

It’s not the most exciting walk as it traverses an intensively farmed area with a lot of electricity pylons running through it but is pleasant overall and does exactly what it says on the tin....


Walk this route
Wick (Bristol)—Yate

Mockymock added Wicyat two, a new walk from Wick (Bristol) to Yate

Walk this route

Initially it uses tracks and paths through a wooded nature reserve and a quiet lane to pass around quarries north of Wick, before picking up the Monarch’s Way for a few miles through fields along the course of the River Boyd. Here the route takes a good cycle path through Wapley Bushes nature reserve (more like a park really) which leads on over the mainline railway and follows a green corridor beside it into the edge of Yate....


Walk this route

The remainder of the walk is on flat ground through fields, then around the outer edge of Chipping Sodbury’s housing estate sprawl and into town, all in the company of the little River Frome, which leads through various villagey, hidden back lanes and footpaths before popping out rather startlingly opposite Yate’s huge modern shopping centre and a very useful bus hub. Not so much to see on the lower ground and it is a bit of a suburban walk around the edge of Chipping Sodbury, but the urban walk along the Frome river is fun....


Walk this route
Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne—Yate

Slow Ways added Frayat zero, a new walk from Frampton Cotterell-Winterbourne to Yate

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Hamyat one, a new walk from Hambrook to Yate

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Thoyat one, a new walk from Thornbury to Yate

Walk this route
Yate—Chipping Sodbury

Slow Ways added Yatchi one, a new walk from Yate to Chipping Sodbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Yatmar one, a new walk from Yate to Marshfield

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Yatshe one, a new walk from Yate to Sherston

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Yatwot one, a new walk from Yate to Wotton-under-Edge

Walk this route

Yate, Thu 13 February


Yate’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.54156° / -2.41286°

Easting / Northing

371,464E / 182,599N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Yate and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


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