Connect Wilton with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Wilton to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Slow Ways linking Wilton and Amesbury, Salisbury, Sixpenny Handley, Tisbury, Warminster

England / Wiltshire / Wilton

Wilton’s five Slow Ways are 55% checked

Drawn: 5/5
reviewed: 2/5
verified: 2/5
and surveyed: 2/5

Help connect Wilton

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Wilton’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Wilton from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Sixpenny Handley—Wilton
Sixwil one Pioneer me Distance 22km/14mi Ascent 291m Descent 320m
Tiswil one Pioneer me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent 333m Descent 374m
Tiswil two

Enjoy me Distance 20km/12mi Ascent - Descent -
Warwil one Pioneer me Distance 30km/19mi Ascent 464m Descent 530m
Warwil two Pioneer me Distance 30km/18mi Ascent 216m Descent 282m
Wilame one Pioneer me Distance 15km/9mi Ascent 272m Descent 256m
Wilsal one

Verify me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 40m Descent 48m
Wilsal two Enjoy me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent - Descent -
Wilsal three Review me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 216m Descent 209m
Wilsal four Review me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 518m Descent 523m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Wilton and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

55% of Wilton’s five route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









8 people have contributed to Wilton’s Slow Ways

1 people have pledged to walk and review a route

5 people have surveyed a route in Wilton

51km out of 166km have been walked and reviewed

146km of reviews have been shared in Wilton

Latest Updates

Slow Ways surveyed Tiswil two

Walk this route

Navigation is easy and the track on the top of the downs (Ox Drove) is easy walking but can be waterlogged as there are lots of ruts created by 4x4 vehicles. My favourite part of the route is the section from Tisbury to the Ox Drove. The climb up to the top of the drove is relatively steep but is on a track so walking is ok....

Rich Cory

Walk this route

Charles312 took this photo on Tiswil two

Walk this route

Before getting into the review proper, in addition to the notice of steps and a rail crossing along this route, it's also worth mentioning that the approach, perimeter and exit of the Castle Ditches section could also present a challenge for some users. Likewise, toward the end of the drove section it gives way to interesting and varying tree cover before turning into Bishopstone Down and, at last, into Wilton. Following the northern perimeter of Castle Ditches Entering tree cover on Old Shaftsbury Drove Partial tree cover on Old Shaftsbury Drove Dramatic tree cover on Old Shaftsbury Drove...


Walk this route

Having checked part of this route again there were a number of fallen trees between Netherhampton and Harnham. Entering Netherhampton there isn't any signage indicating there is a pedestrian underpass for the A3094 – in fact until I saw it on this Slow Ways route I had no idea it existed. Leaving the village, as one reviewer mentioned, the diagonal footpath across the two fields following does feel more inviting than circumnavigating as per the Slow Ways route 3) Passing a footbridge on the footpath under tree cover between Netherhampton and Harnham 4) Large fallen tree across the footpath running the perimeter of the field following Netherhampton Under tree cover between Netherhampton and Harnham:...


Walk this route

I walked this route yesterday, and it is about a mile longer than Wilsal1, but avoids the questionable road section from Home FarmRd to the A3094....


Walk this route

Brian added Wilsal four, a new walk from Wilton to Salisbury

Walk this route

Identical comments to Wilsal 2, other than it continues along the Quidhampton Rd, so that it makes the route mobility issue friendly. It also goes past the pub...


Walk this route

Brian added Wilsal three, a new walk from Wilton to Salisbury

Walk this route

By incorporating the short off road section in Quidhampton makes it a non mobility friendly route, I will upload Wilsal3, so that pushchairs etc can undertake....


Walk this route

I also failed to see why the route went from the A3094 down to the 'Aqueduct', I did it because I was surveying the route, but it was most disappointing, the path diagonally across the field looked far more inviting( plus save 0.10 mi )....


Walk this route

Dion Dobrzynski pledged to walk Warwil one

Walk this route

danravenellison added Wilsal two, a new walk from Wilton to Salisbury

Walk this route

danravenellison added Tiswil two, a new walk from Tisbury to Wilton

Walk this route

The route has beautiful views and we enjoyed breaking for lunch under the trees at the spot height and cross-roads on Bishopstone Down......


Walk this route

Fantastic route, easy way finding, no danger spots and plenty of great views....


Walk this route

Smithster76 took this photo on Tiswil two

Walk this route

This is a direct route that has fascinating places and the charms of both historic Wilton and Salisbury, but also unusual green spaces and a significant section of agglomerated car show-rooms. It is certainly good enough to be in the network, but I've not given it more stars because of the section of walking down Salisbury Road, the crossing over Netherhampton Road and some lane walking. This is a good alternative to Wilsal One, but I'd like to see the safety issues with that route addressed so that people can enjoy that way too....


Walk this route

A functional and safe route between Wilton and Salisbury with some interesting points along the route - but also a fair bit of road walking....


Walk this route

I spoke to the landlady of V and A pub opposite the church who says there is a local campaign for a walking route from the village into Wilton. Harnham and the town path’ into Salisbury is a nice walk with good views of the cathedral Personally though I would take the route vie Broken Bridges and round the back of the industrial estate-although no route shown on map it is a beautiful walk beside the river ( again no good after weeks of heavy rain as can be underwater) and it finishes at the train station (again a shout unpleasant bit 500 metres or so beside the road on pavement)....


Walk this route

The difficulty of finding a good Slow Ways route between Wilton and Salisbury is the busy Churchfields Industrial Estate at the Salisbury end and the large private Wilton Estate at the Wilton end. Between this point and Wilton, the route is entirely along roads, apart from a tiny detour on a track that goes UNDER A3094 Netherhampton Road. Then comes the most 'dangerous' part of the route, as one has to cross the Race Plain Road and walk along the edge of it before turning off right around the South side of the Wilton Estate. On turning right onto Portfield Road there is a long section where you have to walk on the pavement between busy road and high Western wall of the Wilton Estate - not what I would choose. The route then goes along South Street and left into West Street Wilton....


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Sixpenny Handley—Wilton

Slow Ways added Sixwil one, a new walk from Sixpenny Handley to Wilton

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Slow Ways added Tiswil one, a new walk from Tisbury to Wilton

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Warwil one, a new walk from Warminster to Wilton

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Warwil two, a new walk from Warminster to Wilton

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Wilame one, a new walk from Wilton to Amesbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Wilsal one, a new walk from Wilton to Salisbury

Walk this route

Wilton, Wed 12 February


Wilton’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.08112° / -1.86561°

Easting / Northing

409,510E / 131,320N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Wilton and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


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