Connect Steyning with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Steyning to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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England / West Sussex / Steyning

Steyning’s nine Slow Ways are 75% checked

Drawn: 9/9
reviewed: 9/9
verified: 6/9
and surveyed: 3/9

Help connect Steyning

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Steyning’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Steyning from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Finste one Survey me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 224m Descent 190m
Finste two Survey me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent - Descent -
Stehur one

Double check Distance 15km/10mi Ascent 143m Descent 117m
Stehur two Review me Distance 16km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Steyning—Partridge Green
Stepar one Enjoy me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 85m Descent 93m
Stepor one Enjoy me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 233m Descent 233m
Stepye one Review me Distance 15km/9mi Ascent 378m Descent 287m
Stepye two Verify me Distance 14km/9mi Ascent - Descent -
Stesho one Enjoy me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 44m Descent 56m
Stoste one Verify me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 291m Descent 270m
Stoste two Survey me Distance 10km/7mi Ascent - Descent -
West Chiltington Common—Steyning
Wesste one

Double check Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 207m Descent 185m
West Chiltington Common—Steyning
Wesste two Pioneer me Distance 21km/13mi Ascent 242m Descent 220m
Worste one Survey me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 274m Descent 258m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Steyning and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

73% of Steyning’s nine route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









17 people have contributed to Steyning’s Slow Ways

7 people have pledged to walk and review a route

7 people have surveyed a route in Steyning

158km out of 179km have been walked and reviewed

426km of reviews have been shared in Steyning

Latest Updates

There are multiple kissing gates and stiles along both sides access isn't great....


Walk this route

There are multiple kissing gates and stiles along both sides access isn't great....


Walk this route

Nice route mainly along the Downs Link, simple for navigation and mostly flat for walking. A couple of nice little places on the way for refreshments. Only issue is having to cross the fast busy A283 which isn't pleasant....


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West Chiltington Common—Steyning

JohnMyerson added Wesste two, a new walk from West Chiltington Common to Steyning

Walk this route

1) Having to cross the Steyning bypass, which is very very busy and fast. Had to wait a long time then run like crazy to pass through a gap in traffic. Dangerous.....


Walk this route

A nice little route, meandering around the Downs with great views North and South and connecting Findon and Steyning, both of which are good for a wander around. No issues with the route, short stretches along a quiet road with no pavement....


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MPHoplling surveyed Stepye two

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Used public transport to make this route a circular starting from Brighton....


Walk this route

Nice little route, mainly flat along the Downs Link. As others have commented, but nessay around the Bramber roundabout, could do with some tidying up. Walked on 11/2/23,...


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As mentioned in the first long review of the route, the part between Portslade & Southwick tunnel is a bit dog-infested. But once you are on the Downs it's a wonderful walk. Not too steep, either, which isn't always true on the Downs!...


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Dominic Le Garsmeur pledged to walk Stehur one

Walk this route

At the Storrington end the route (for both StoSte1 and StoSte2) goes through a dangerous narrow road with no pavement at the intersection of Browns Lane and Church Street so I took a slightly different route which is much safer and indeed more direct....


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We really enjoyed this route which we used to connect our home in Worthing to family in Steyning so did not follow the exact route so we could walk from our house to theirs. The main part up over the Downs was easy to follow, lovely to walk and had beautiful views. We had a moment of indecision as to which way to go as the Public Footpath leading from Lyons Way around the back of some buildings had been obscured by some very large piles of tarmac rubble but we were still able to walk round the side to find where we needed to go....


Walk this route

The Downs Link is very suitable for wheels, but this route diverts out of Steyning, using footpaths with steps and stiles (its the same going North out of Steyning back onto the Link to Partridge Green)....


Walk this route

The Downs Link is very suitable for wheels, but this route diverts into Steyning, using footpaths with steps (its the same going out of Steyning back onto the Link to Shoreham)....


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The route joins, leaves then rejoins the South Downs Way before getting to Chanctonbury Ring, an old pre-historic hill fort, planted with beech trees in the 18th century, then replanted at the end of the 20th century following the devastation of the Great Storm of 1987. From the ring, the route follows the SDW for another mile or so before branching off to take a path off the Downs straight into the village of Steyning....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

From Pyecombe, the route follows the South Downs Way for several miles to the car park at Beeding Hill. There are several climbs (Newtimber Hill, Devil's Dyke, Edburton Hill and Truleigh Hill, but the paths are wide and not particularly muddy. There are plenty of refreshment opportunities in Beeding, Bramber and Steyning and also on the Downs during the Summer Season there are also opportunities at Saddlescombe Farm, Devil's Dyke and the Youth Hostel at Truleigh Hill....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Then following Monach’s way for a bit before running down into Findon where there are some great pubs....

David Rogers

Walk this route

From a running point of view a good runnable route that avoids the main, busier paths....

David Rogers

Walk this route

It's easy to navigate and the view from the Downs across Steyning is a real treat....


Walk this route

danravenellison took this photo on Finste two

Walk this route

I really enjoyed walking this route from Steyning to Findon! It's easy to follow and the views across the South Downs are stunning. I'd recommend popping into Dee Dee's cafe in Findon, super quirky interior and the smoothie was excellent!...


Walk this route

Bostal Boy added Stoste two, a new walk from Storrington to Steyning

Walk this route

This is a quiet and very picturesque route following footpaths and bridle paths across fields and through woods staying at the bottom of South Downs scarp. Saying that, STOSTE One will also be a good route which climbs up onto the Downs and passes Chanctonbury Ring....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

The route starts with a steep climb up from Charlton Street to Steyning Coombe and Horseshoe Wood to get to the top of the Downs. From the five ways junction at the top of the Downs it is all wide bridle paths on farm tracks down to Worthing....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Botolph's Church (beautiful Grade 1 listed church) in Steyning, they have a lovely cafe outside of it (great tea and cake)....


Walk this route

This is a good route!...


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I really enjoyed this route, especially the views across the South Downs....


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Unfortunately it does include some steps and so is not fully accessible....


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Steyning is a charming delight (well worth a stay over) and Worthing made a good destination too, with lots of good places to eat and enjoy the sea....


Walk this route

danravenellison took this photo on Worste one

Walk this route

Bostal Boy added Finste two, a new walk from Findon to Steyning

Walk this route

I walked from Steyning to Findon on 18/03/2022 as Leg#1 of a longer walk from Steyning to Arundel. This is downland all the way, heading out Steyning along Newham Lane and by the white cottage (photo#1) bearing right and following the bridleway up Steyning Round Hill. From there on follow the Monarch's Way signs all the way to Nepcote Green on the edge of Findon....

Bostal Boy

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Bostal Boy added Stepye two, a new walk from Steyning to Pyecombe

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Bostal Boy surveyed Stepye one

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Once you are at the top of the Downs, the route takes you straight down the side of the Fulking Escarpment by possibly the steepest path in Sussex. All the while, I kept thinking that the easier route would have been to carry on along the top of the Downs. The views from Fulking Escarpment are beautiful, but I can't convince myself that taking the route this way is necessary - hence only 4*....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

This route follows uses the Downs Link the whole way to the outskirts of the Steyning, then residential streets to the finish at Steyning High Street....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

A safer option to avoid a very dangerous A283 crossing near Bramber (photo 1) is to take the western riverside footpath (marked with a red arrow on photo 2), then pass under the A283 before turning left and rejoining the Downs Link (when travelling north)...

Steve Hampton

Walk this route

Bostal Boy added Stehur two, a new walk from Steyning to Hurstpierpoint

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The first half of the route to Henfield is across and around fields, plus farm tracks and quiet lanes. From Henfield to Steyning, the route mainly follows the Downslink, a popular cycle and bridle path which uses the route of an old disused railway line. Once at the edge of Steyning, the route uses quiet residential streets to the historic centre of the village....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

This route avoids the access issues crossing the A23 at Wanbarrow Farm....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

tofudave surveyed Steyning

View facilities

tofudave surveyed Steyning

View facilities

Only concern was, just outside of Steyning, you have to cross the Steyning Bypass (A283) and there were a broken tree just before the crossing that you have to duck below (unfortunately I didn't take a picture of this)...


Walk this route

There are views from the path over to Cissbury and Chanctonbury Rings The path surface can be rough at times and, going down into Steyning, steep....


Walk this route

A variation from Holmbush centre to Steyning means you can walk to Steyning and get the bus back. Handy for the monthly market or just to meet friends for lunch!...


Walk this route

Viccivicci surveyed Steyning

View facilities

The section from Portslade as far as the Southwick Tunnel starts off through residential streets, then picks up a long straight footpath alongside allotments, houses, gardens and playing fields. From Beeding Hill, the path follows the South Downs Way down into the Adur Valley, then takes its leave to join the Downslink path towards Bramber. It gets 3* for the Portslade to Southwick Tunnel section and 5* for Southwick Hill to Steyning....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

The old Shoreham to Horsham railway, was resurfaced the other year leaving a gravely path for bikes and walkers. It joins the South Down Way for a small bit, there is a water tap just off the path near the road as you cross the river, likewise there is normally a 'horse box' serving coffee in the layby. It leaves the old railway at Bramber (actually the old railway turns into a main road) but there are good pavements into Steyning...


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This path mainly follows the Downslink along the Adur Valley. However the road noise is pretty constant as it follows the same line through the valley as the busy A283, then goes beneath the A27....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Follow this south and cross the A283 and then the Downs Link (which the route follows) moves away from the side of the road and you can escape the noise of the road....


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However, where it goes down into Steyning (on a footpath from the South Downs Way) the track does become rough & steep in places....


Walk this route

This is a lovely walk mainly on level ground as you leave Steyning you go downhill and access the riverbank which you can then follow all the way to Shoreham by Sea. There is lots to see on the river from swans to moorhens and close to Shoreham you can see Cormorants on the bridge pilings....

Jonathan Holley

Walk this route

armadillo surveyed Steyning

View facilities

Phil Brewer surveyed Steyning

View facilities
Steyning—Partridge Green

Tony Gordon added Stepar one, a new walk from Steyning to Partridge Green

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Finste one, a new walk from Findon to Steyning

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stehur one, a new walk from Steyning to Hurstpierpoint

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stepor one, a new walk from Steyning to Portslade-by-Sea

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stepye one, a new walk from Steyning to Pyecombe

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stesho one, a new walk from Steyning to Shoreham-by-Sea

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stoste one, a new walk from Storrington to Steyning

Walk this route
West Chiltington Common—Steyning

Slow Ways added Wesste one, a new walk from West Chiltington Common to Steyning

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Worste one, a new walk from Worthing to Steyning

Walk this route

Steyning, Thu 13 February


Steyning’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

50.88907° / -0.33013°

Easting / Northing

517,548E / 111,282N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Steyning and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Steyning's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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