Connect Stevenage with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Stevenage to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Slow Ways linking Stevenage and Baldock, Hitchin, Kimpton, Letchworth Garden City, Luton, Oaklands, Walkern, Watton at Stone

England / Hertfordshire / Stevenage

Stevenage’s eight Slow Ways are 81% checked

Drawn: 8/8
reviewed: 8/8
verified: 5/8
and surveyed: 5/8

Help connect Stevenage

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Stevenage’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Stevenage from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Hitste one

Enjoy me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 83m Descent 58m
Kimste one Enjoy me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 153m Descent 148m
Letchworth Garden City—Stevenage
Letste one

Review me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 88m Descent 80m
Letchworth Garden City—Stevenage
Letste two

Review me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 88m Descent 97m
Lutste one Pioneer me Distance 0km/0mi Ascent - Descent -
Lutste two

Double check Distance 19km/12mi Ascent 280m Descent 297m
Lutste three Verify me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent - Descent -
Lutste four Review me Distance 20km/12mi Ascent - Descent -
Stebal one Enjoy me Distance 12km/8mi Ascent 98m Descent 126m
Stebal two Verify me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 118m Descent 89m
Steoak one Enjoy me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 100m Descent 114m
Stewal one Review me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 76m Descent 86m
Stevenage—Watton at Stone
Stewat one Enjoy me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 116m Descent 87m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Stevenage and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

73% of Stevenage’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









19 people have contributed to Stevenage’s Slow Ways

31 people have pledged to walk and review a route

8 people have surveyed a route in Stevenage

152km out of 152km have been walked and reviewed

341km of reviews have been shared in Stevenage

Latest Updates

This Stebal two route starts at Stevenage railway station and is an urban route for the first 1.6 miles or so to St Nicholas church. After leaving the farm and crossing Hitchin Lane there's a large field to be crossed diagonally. Arriving at the far corner of the field there is no signage but go through the gap onto the grass verge of the A505....


Walk this route

A rural walk between Stevenage and Baldock with very few roads, and much of the middle part has several benches for a picnic or to just enjoy the views....


Walk this route

The A602 is normally a very busy dual carriageway and the route requires crossing through the barrier on the central reservation. Traffic travels very fast most of the time. In my opinion, this route is far too dangerous because of this and should not be used....

Glenn Godfrey

Walk this route

Kissing gates, narrow paths, muddy parts, steep section and the short section along the B656 make it unsuitable for wheels. The path into Whitwell has a short steep section down to the road. St Paul's Walden church is lovely; dates from circa 1400 or earlier. The short road section along the B656 to Langley Bottom needs a wary eye and ear - it can be busy and it is necessary to walk on the verge....

Glenn Godfrey

Walk this route

There is also a minor but not route breaking GPS error (assuming from when this was walked and recorded around Willian, both where the route backtracks on itself, and where he permissive path near Puncharden Hall sits slightly eastward of the intended route....


Walk this route

Walkers need to be careful of the route they follow through Knebworth Park grounds as it is easy to go off track and also beyond that (and public footpath signage in Knebworth Park is not very clear). NB: on Slip Lane to go into woods to Old Knebworth, the first footpath sign (1/2 mile to Knebworth Park) leads to an overgrown wooded and waterlogged area where there is no clear path - however, if you continue along Slip Lane you shortly come to a second footpath (also 1/2 mile to Knebworth Park) which leads you across a field - clearly marked - and this goes to Old Park Lane....

Bernie W

Walk this route

Derick Rethans took this photo on Lutste four

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Some of the paths are a little overgrown (photo #3), but it's soon wide open views (photo #4). Crossing London Road (B656) needs a little care (photo #5), but it is only a short stretch alongside it. Then more good paths follow (photo #9, #10), with the planes into Luton getting lower and lower....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Derick Rethans added Lutste four, a new walk from Luton to Stevenage

Walk this route

I will be proposing Lutste 4, which routes around the Ayes Lane hurdle (which is actually really nice, photo #2) and reinstates the walk along the very very quiet road (no cars at all, photo #4) between East Hall and St Paul's Walden, to avoid the cows...

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Derick Rethans took this photo on Lutste three

Walk this route

A good walk, but spoiled by some dangerous road crossings and on-road walking. Corrected on Lutste Three....


Walk this route

Strider surveyed Lutste three

Walk this route

A verge takes you to lovely open fields of rape, the small yellow flowers just beginning to show, and interesting views of the airport and planes landing. Good variety from narrow wooded paths to wide open fields with big skies, quaint villages to carparks....


Walk this route

Strider added Lutste three, a new walk from Luton to Stevenage

Walk this route

The route is clear throughout the walk, and the section nearer to Watton-at-Stone is really enjoyable. In Stevenage, the route is still clear but perhaps less enjoyable as much of it passes through residential suburban areas....

Christopher Lewis

Walk this route

There is a short section of walking in the road which involves crossing in order to keep in sight. Walking through Stevenage train carpark is unpleasant....


Walk this route

This is a lovely walk crossing Stevenage and then with great views over the rolling Hertfordshire countryside. If you don't want to go the same way back, you can go back via Great Ashby District Park and Box Wood....


Walk this route

The last stretch heading into Kimpton is a bit hard to navigate, as it's hard to tell what is the path and what is farm tracks....

Heather S.

Walk this route

a bit long to get out of Stevenage but then you get to fantastic scenic farmland and woodlands all the way to Watton at stone. Road walking on only quiet roads. As there had been rain all week, there were puddles and mud, but all were traversible with minor detours through the wood...

Heather S.

Walk this route

The path goes through a permissive byway into Knebworth House grounds where you get a lovely view of the manor before going back to woods and farmlands with lots of ponds before finally entering Stevenage....

Heather S.

Walk this route

I do, however, have slight reservations about some of the in-road walking where there are no verges, or sporadic narrow verges, especially on the busier roads. There are nice paths out of Stevenage, close to but not next to traffic, then some verge walking to Symonds Green with benches and a nice pub (The Tranquil Turtle). More verge walking along Arch Road (hop into the field instead) followed by an open field and then more verge walking, crossing one side to another. There are some lovely parts of this walk through open countryside rather let down by some uncomfortable verge walking....


Walk this route

Watton is a pretty village, the walk starts with roadside pavement walking until just past the station where it cuts into a field behind a hedge. The walk out of the village is along a verge/ field edge but it is quite a step up to get off the road onto the verge. There is a monotonous road for a short while before reaching nice paths alongside cycle paths, no road crossing, lots of underpasses and always slightly away from the traffic makes the pavement walking quite pleasant....


Walk this route

There are good views across the Hertfordshire countryside as you cross big open fields, then down to the River Mimram in Whitwell (pub). From here you have to walk in the road for a while, but I only encountered a couple of cars (no through way on one part) and being quite open the visibility is good. The path in Stevenage is alongside cycle paths through open lit underpasses so avoids the roads and road crossings....


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Stevenage—Watton at Stone

Stephanie Killingbeck-Turner pledged to walk Stewat one

Walk this route

Good route, footpaths and some urban pavements mostly, small amount on country roads without pavement, bit not too much. Some lovely views around Weston in particular. I followed the route in November on sunny day after quite a lot of rain, and surprisingly it wasn't too muddy....


Walk this route

greysquirrel took this photo on Stebal one

Walk this route

A pleasant enough walk, particularly once you leave the concrete of Stevenage and rapidly find yourself crossing rolling fields. There's a mixture of walking along pavements, country roads, and muddy paths with some beautiful views....


Walk this route

A direct route out of Stevenage and through lovely, gently rolling countryside to Weston and then to Baldock. Most of it very rural, on footpaths and bridleways, some on country lanes with no pavement....

Anne Holland

Walk this route

mccalni added Stebal two, a new walk from Stevenage to Baldock

Walk this route

There is one short section (<50m) on road in Graveley village. There is a narrow pavement on the opposite side of Julians Road railway bridge (see photo), but the pavement on the near side is satisfactory...

Black Squirrel

Walk this route

Finding your way through the first footpaths on the outskirts of Stevenage is a little bewildering, but modern Stevenage is endowed with wide pedestrian/cycleways and pleasing underpasses separating people from traffic....

Black Squirrel

Walk this route

Anne Holland surveyed Stevenage

View facilities

Anne Holland surveyed Stebal one

Walk this route

Unfortunately you do sometimes have to cross dual carriageways/busy roads with inadequate/no warnings to the drivers that walkers might be crossing and no easy way across (this same crossing is on the Hertfordshire Way route and I have just returned from walking the Peddars Way national trail where I had to cross a busy dual carriageway) so regrettably it cannot always be avoided when planning routes such as this. I also walked the alternative route via Redcoats Green avoiding this crossing a couple of times which has some fast moving traffic, a couple of sharp corners and no verge for a lot of the way so you do need to take care, stay alert and ensure that you are fully visible to drivers. I enjoyed this walk which was mainly on quiet streets (until the A1072!) and through some lovely countryside hence my higher rating however I do acknowledge that the crossing of the dual carriageway and possibly the alternative route will not be appealing to many people....


Walk this route

From Stevenage, using a route through Todds Green (Clovelly Way, Fishers Green, Stevenage Rd, Chantry Lane)to brings you out East of Little Wymondley, where you can pick up the trail again. following the Stevenage road/a602 into Hitchin, instead of following footpath from edge of Little Wymondley...


Walk this route

There are some nice parts to this route but there are some negatives including a potentially dangerous road crossing. Once in Stevenage, the route as plotted goes along Clovelly Way, which has no pavement; you need to take paths around the houses instead, joining a footpath / cycle path that winds past some office buildings. The countryside between Hitchin and Stevenage is pleasant and several paths on this route are nice to walk along but this wouldn’t be my favoured route between these towns....

Al M

Walk this route

In Stevenage there is a little more walking on residential streets but the route also goes along one or two old footpaths and uses the town’s cycle path network to keep away from main roads as much as possible. At the edge of Stevenage, walking alongside the A602 is unpleasant with traffic fumes and crossing the Graveley Road at the A1(M) junction is difficult. A detour is recommended using the path between Wymondley Road and the village green, by The Fox pub2...

Al M

Walk this route
Letchworth Garden City—Stevenage

Al M added Letste two, a new walk from Letchworth Garden City to Stevenage

Walk this route

A better route would deviate on the public footway that goes past the Fox PH; there is a route that connects the pub to Wymondley Road....


Walk this route

Tony Gordon added Lutste two, a new walk from Luton to Stevenage

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Al M added Lutste one, a new walk from Luton to Stevenage

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Hitste one, a new walk from Hitchin to Stevenage

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Kimste one, a new walk from Kimpton to Stevenage

Walk this route
Letchworth Garden City—Stevenage

Slow Ways added Letste one, a new walk from Letchworth Garden City to Stevenage

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stebal one, a new walk from Stevenage to Baldock

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Steoak one, a new walk from Stevenage to Oaklands

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Stewal one, a new walk from Stevenage to Walkern

Walk this route
Stevenage—Watton at Stone

Slow Ways added Stewat one, a new walk from Stevenage to Watton at Stone

Walk this route

Stevenage, Wed 19 February


Stevenage’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.90166° / -0.20658°

Easting / Northing

523,483E / 224,087N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Stevenage and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Stevenage's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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