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Slow Ways linking Sileby and Loughborough, Melton Mowbray, Mountsorrel, Syston
England / Leicestershire / Sileby
Sileby’s four Slow Ways are 81% checked
Help connect Sileby
Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.
Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.
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Walk to Sileby from further afield
Slow Way | Route | To do | ||||||||
Lousil one |
U U |
Survey me | Distance 10km/6mi | Ascent 40m | Descent 29m | |
Lousil two |
U U |
Review me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 66m | Descent 53m | ||
Mousil one |
U U |
Review me | Distance 2km/1mi | Ascent 10m | Descent 11m | |
Mousil two |
3 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 3km/2mi | Ascent - | Descent - | ||
Sileby—Melton Mowbray
Silmel one |
U U |
Double check | Distance 20km/12mi | Ascent 155m | Descent 132m | |
Sileby—Melton Mowbray
Silmel two |
4 X |
Review me | Distance 20km/13mi | Ascent 182m | Descent 159m | ||
Silsys one |
3 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 5km/3mi | Ascent 19m | Descent 18m |
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Sileby and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
Collective progress
71% of Sileby’s four route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified
11 people have contributed to Sileby’s Slow Ways
1 people have pledged to walk and review a route
3 people have surveyed a route in Sileby
72km out of 72km have been walked and reviewed
137km of reviews have been shared in Sileby
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We head straight on into the centre of the village, where there are shops and pubs, then bear right through the churchyard and down Church Lane to a pelican crossing over High Street, from where a good path crosses a new estate and a small stream. The right turn into Carnarfon Road take us into a new estate, and we take the path left that leads into the cemetery. Nottingham Road can be crossed at a convenient pelican crossing, and here we turn right, crossing the canal and continuing into the station car park to the meeting point....
Hugh Hudson
Hugh Hudson added Lousil two, a new walk from Loughborough to Sileby
Walk this routeThe lane itself was under water, and what was beyond it looked even wetter, so at this stage I felt I had no alternative than to retreat and find another route!...
Hugh Hudson
Most of this route is good, and I used most of it in my SILMEL 2 route, and I have walked all of it apart from the short sections either side of the A46. My reason for creating the alternative route is that in my view, it is not safe to cross the A46, a busy dual carriageway that is almost a motorway, anywhere where there is no footbridge or assisted crossing, and for that reason I could not recommend this one wholeheartedly. For my description and photos of the rest of the route, see SILMEL 2....
Hugh Hudson
Leaving the meeting point at the entrance to Sileby station, we head right / north east a short way along King Street, then right along Burton Road and left along The Banks to reach Ratcliffe Road where we head right, up the hill and out of the village, then left along a field path, where the trodden line follows the field edges rather than going straight across as per the right of way. Here we meet the Leicestershire Round and depart from SILMEL 1, turning right down to Ratcliffe Road, where we turn left, taking advantage of the wide grassy verge. We follow the road, bearing left into Ratcliffe, then crossing the first open field beyond the village on the right (there are a few stiles) and crossing more fields on a fairly well marked path to rejoin the Leicestershire Round at Rearsby Mill. The path crosses several clayfields (not pleasant when wet and recently ploughed), crossing Station Lane and going straight on into Kirby Bellars, where we go right up Main Street to find another field path (more stiles), which crosses more large open spaces then crosses a little bridge to follow the railway past the Melton Foods industrial area then onwards across fields (with a couple of surprisingly awkward little dips) to reach the old Mill Lane, where we turn left then cross into a new housing estate, where we go left along Badger Avenue then bear right beyond the houses to find the bridge over the Wreake....
Hugh Hudson
Hugh Hudson added Silmel two, a new walk from Sileby to Melton Mowbray
Walk this routeI walked MouSil Two and passed the faulty A6 crossing which was obviously impossible, involving trespass and risk to life. I’m not sure why two of the previous three reviewers appear to have said this route is good enough, given the negative reviews....
Mary Oz
We walked MOUSIL 2 yesterday, and that route, which is identical to this one apart from using a safe A6 crossing through the underpass further south, is fine, and has been snailed thanks to the Leicester swarm weekend, In my view this route and MOUSYS 1 should be removed from the site....
Hugh Hudson
Route walked with other slow ways volunteers. Full review to follow...
Tim Ryan
We cross the car parks opposite then turn left along the surfaced path beyond the second car park, then right through a residential estate, Beyond Leander Close we go left a short distance to find the signposted path through the small wood parallel to the A6. Beyond the underpass we go left a short distance to find the popular path into the nature reserve (not marked as a right of way on the OS map)....
Hugh Hudson
The route from Mountsorrel leads through a couple of car parks and along an offroad path through housing, to a pretty, wooded, but noisy path alongside the busy A6....
Mary Oz
I walked this route with Mary and Hugh on 12/11/22 as part of the slow ways swarm. This is a short, direct and enjoyable route connecting Mountsorrel to Sileby! (full review and photos to follow)...
We crossed straight through the middle of two large fields which was fine in November when the crops had been cut. Where the route crossed Syston Road, between the fields, there were plank bridges across ditches....
Mary Oz
I walked this route with Lara and Darren (from Slow Ways) as the sun went down....
A great walk between Loughborough and Sileby. Even works in the dark. Full review coming later....
Slow Ways Darren
Starting from the Sileby meeting point, we go west down King Street and turn left onto Cossington Road, following the pavement out of Sileby to the edge of Cossington, where the road turns right and we go straight on. The route crosses a number of arable fields and two roads to reach the A46 (the last of which is the one where the path line was less than clear), where we turn right along the edge of the field and turn left under the A46 when we reach the river Wreake....
Hugh Hudson
This Slow Way needs a fail because the route shown across the A6 is not available....
There are a couple of big roads to cross and we had a herd of cows to contend with but there a quite a few nice pubs along the way....
It's not a complicated route the only thing I would add is to take the righthand path off Meadow Lane before the humpback Bridge in be Cross the Wreake and then go under the A46....
Only really a route for walkers as many stiles and a very rocky path in one place so not bike friendly either. Very picturesque in places....
The route mapped here is not correct when leaving The Green at Mountsorrel. I would give this route a star rating of 5 for walking however, you would find it difficult to bike in places where large stones have been used to mend path - also many stiles....
Slow Ways added Lousil one, a new walk from Loughborough to Sileby
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Mousil one, a new walk from Mountsorrel to Sileby
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Silmel one, a new walk from Sileby to Melton Mowbray
Walk this route
Sileby’s Slow Ways starting point
Grid ref
Lat / Lon
52.73168° / -1.10997°
Easting / Northing
460,198E / 315,263N
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Sileby and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Sileby's meeting point
Public toilet
Wheelchair accessible toilet
Supermarket or convenience shop
Restaurant, cafe or pub
Accommodation for under £50 a night
Free wifi
Mobility scooter hire
Off-road wheelchair hire
Disabled Parking
Train station
Bus stop
Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town
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