Boom! Long Eaton is 100% connected!

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

Every one of Long Eaton’s five Slow Ways has a route that’s been walked and reviewed positively at least three times, and surveyed. Scroll down to explore them, or help connect another place

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Long Eaton


Slow Ways linking Long Eaton and Beeston (Broxtowe), Breaston, Clifton, Kegworth, Sandiacre

England / Derbyshire / Long Eaton

Long Eaton’s five Slow Ways are 100% checked

Drawn: 5/5
reviewed: 5/5
verified: 5/5
and surveyed: 5/5

Help connect Long Eaton

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Long Eaton’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Long Eaton from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Breaston—Long Eaton
Brelon two Enjoy me Distance 4km/2mi Ascent 13m Descent 19m
Breaston—Long Eaton
Brelon three Review me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 0m Descent 6m
Kegworth—Long Eaton
Keglon one Verify me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 36m Descent 22m
Kegworth—Long Eaton
Keglon two Enjoy me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 44m Descent 58m
Long Eaton—Beeston (Broxtowe)
Lonbee one Enjoy me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 27m Descent 25m
Long Eaton—Beeston (Broxtowe)
Lonbee two

Enjoy me Distance 7km/5mi Ascent 6m Descent 4m
Long Eaton—Clifton
Loncli one

Enjoy me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 62m Descent 51m
Long Eaton—Clifton
Loncli two Review me Distance 14km/9mi Ascent 87m Descent 75m
Sandiacre—Long Eaton
Sanlon one Enjoy me Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 5m Descent 13m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Long Eaton and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

86% of Long Eaton’s five route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









14 people have contributed to Long Eaton’s Slow Ways

1 people have pledged to walk and review a route

7 people have surveyed a route in Long Eaton

80km out of 80km have been walked and reviewed

245km of reviews have been shared in Long Eaton

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To avoid this go through the gate on your right (Photo 2) and turn left into Waterside Close until you reach Longmoor Lane. Turn left and then right down a path (Photo 3) that connects you back with the walk. Eventually you reach the Navigation Inn, where you turn left along Risley Lane to reach the centre of Breaston....


Walk this route

The best part of the walk is through West Park in Long Eaton where you pass the Sundial and Planet Garden. The Trentbarton Indigo bus service connects both ends of the walk....


Walk this route

I walked this route from Sandiacre to Long Eaton....


Walk this route

However this path is poorly lit and an alternative is to go further along Station Street then turn right onto New Tyne Street to meet up with the route at Meadow Lane. At the end of Church Lane turn left up Attenborough Lane past Attenborough Station. After the station, turn right up Long Lane ; this is a fairly quiet residential road with pavements on both sides....


Walk this route

I walked from Clifton starting alongside the road with buses and trams. At Beeston Rylands I continued on the flood bank but this precludes a view of more moored boats should that be your interest, it being mine I would next time cross to walk along the appropriately named Canal Side. We pass the old lock that linked to the river below the weir then the Beeston Canal lock where paddles are left raised to ensure the canal has a good feed of water. The route now follows the river and is busy with bikes and walkers. I turned from the plotted route along Barton Lane (BR70) passing the visitor centre then turned left alongside the railway line, shown as a cycle route....


Walk this route
Breaston—Long Eaton

Lynn Jackson added Brelon three, a new walk from Breaston to Long Eaton

Walk this route

However, you'll want to be on the south side of the road before the motorway; the road becomes wider and difficult to cross once the bridge is reached, and there’s no safe crossing at the island either. But for anyone not in a hurry, it’s a much more pleasant walk, worth an extra star, with the only traffic encountered being an awkward unaided crossing of Bostocks Lane, an easier crossing of Longmoor Road, and — same as this route — the final approach along Derby Road to Long Eaton Green....

Chris Chapman

Walk this route

I walked to Long Eaton, potential for cattle, floods and a few stiles on the anglers path by the river, gates on the definitive paths. By choice I would have taken the definitive path rather than the river side but either route is still prone to flooding around Ratcliffe Lock as could be seen from recent scouring....


Walk this route

Lynn Jackson surveyed Keglon two

Walk this route

Avoiding the first small, flooded part of the canal path, the puddles that were there could be walked around. I decided to return to the bridge, but as I got back to the boggy area, I saw a yellow route marker pole that wasn’t visible in photo 3, so a quick hop over the mud and up the flood bank and I was back on the route (photo 5). (The Keglon 2 path was visible from the flood bank path and so I don’t think that a new route is warranted – this review is enough to let you know that it is possible to continue.). There was another flood just after the bridge underpass (photo 7), but a small path next to the bridge took me onto higher ground, where I walked to the stile just past the bend and onto well defined fields and to the lane (photo 8). At the café (photo 13) I walked across the bridge to get back onto the canal path, which took me all the way into Long Eaton (photo 14)...

Lynn Jackson

Walk this route
Long Eaton—Clifton

Hugh Hudson added Loncli two, a new walk from Long Eaton to Clifton

Walk this route

It is mostly good, but is let down by some slightly wayward GPX plotting and the avoidable dull road walk on Thane Road - as Stephen says the river path is much nicer....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

I decided early in the walk that I was going to submit a new version, because the route from Clifton to Fairham Brook is unnecessarily rough, and I agree with Stephen Walker's review of LONCLI 1 that it is best to use the river path from Clifton Bridge to Beeston Marina rather than Thane Road and the canal. The map shows a path going straight on to the bridge on Fairham Brook, but this path is unsurfaced and overgrown, so it is much easier to remain on the cycle track and go a slightly longer way round. We leave the road just before Sat Bains restaurant on a track left, then turn right under Clifton Bridge to reach the riverside path, which has a compacted gravel surface. We leave the track to take smaller paths (some of them unsurfaced but usually fairly dry) through Trent Meadows to reach Meadow Lane (there is a low stile here), which we follow across a level crossing and under a railway bridge to the junction with Main Street, where we turn left across the railway and following Main Street, Cross Street and Waverley Street....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

At Station Road in Sandiacre we leave the canal to the right (further right than the GPX plot, there are no steps here) then follow the road left and over the pelican crossings to reach the Sandiacre meeting point....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

After crossing the first of the two canal bridges at the lock, we follow the riverside path (Trent Valley Way), which has a fairly well smoothed gravel surface. We remain by the river as far as a railway bridge - the path crosses the Trent next to the railway and the bridge has access ramps on both sides. Here the Trent navigation separates from the river and we follow the surfaced canal-side path up to the bridge on the B6540, where we rejoin KEYLON 1. As on KEYLON 1, we leave Warren Lane at an obvious bend and take the field path straight on....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Easy to follow, fully surfaced throughout and fully accessible. Just rather boring, with a lot of road walking....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Walked as the first part of a four route walk from Beeston to Derby via Long Eaton, Breaston and Borrowash....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route
Kegworth—Long Eaton

Hugh Hudson added Keglon two, a new walk from Kegworth to Long Eaton

Walk this route

I managed to lose the correct line through the gravel workings north of the A453 - as Stephen says the right of way line is no longer possible, as new gravel pits have submerged part of it, but the waymarking of the new route (which is actually shorter if you find it first time) is inadequate when going from south to north, and although it is tempting to create an alternative route that shows the current line, work on the site is ongoing so it is possible the route may change again....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

You could avoid this by walking along Fields Farm Road and joining the route at the top of Meadow Lane, or following the Erewash Canal to start on the river path earlier (although this does lengthen the walk)....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Keglon one

Walk this route

After rejoining the road, and crossing over the canal, a footpath between the houses leads to a crossing under the railway and then more quiet residential roads lead to the bridge over the river Trent. After the bridge, a farm track alongside the main road leads to a footpath across the fields....


Walk this route

A slight detour is required at the Long Eaton end as the route asks you to go down a footpath that is closed. Walk down Cross Street and don't turn left until you reach Station Street. Also, the route goes down a slightly muddy, narrow path in the Trent Meadows park, which could be avoided as there are a number of different paths here....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Loncli one

Walk this route

After Clifton bridge I followed the roadside path to get the signed footpath through an underpass....


Walk this route

At least the roadside walking at the Breaston end has a good pavement....


Walk this route

The exit from LE is not very attractive, the narrow footpath along the railway is a dumping ground, but usable none-the-less....


Walk this route

A straight forward walk on good surfaces. Steps at the ends can easily be avoided....


Walk this route

There are two level rail crossings but major road crossings are light controlled. If I walked it again I would go via Long Eaton Market Place and High Street then stay on the roads avoiding the enclosed narrow path alongside the railway. From Long Eaton the railway footpath crossing at the end of Barton Road is unprotected and I would guess on the list to be closed on grounds of safety....


Walk this route

Good standard of paths in good condition (the gravel track on the raised section at Toton Washlands can get a bit messy for wheeled transport, but passable). The stairs up onto Derby Road can be avoided easily before or after the turning depending on your needs....


Walk this route

Accident on M1 was causing tailbacks as I walked over the bridge, nice to be out walking. A filling station, no fuel like so many Sept 2021 but a shop if supplies are essential before Breaston. There really is no alternative to the road walking here but the Derby canal from Sandiacre Lock would offer a route for a longer walk away from traffic....


Walk this route

All level except steps in Long Eaton these can be avoided by leaving the towpath at Dale Avenue 350 metres before Derby Road or Regent Street 150 metres after Derby Road bridge. Some areas the hedge is overhanging the surfaced path which is already quite narrow for a public footpath shared with cycles. Worth a short detour at the delightful Sandiacre Lock Cottage to see work that has exposed the lock on the Derby Canal....


Walk this route

This is a functional replacement for Brelon_1 that is saved by the walk through West Park in Long Eaton. The road surface is smooth but there is an incline walking for the M1 motorway....

Lynn Jackson

Walk this route
Long Eaton

danravenellison surveyed Long Eaton

View facilities

After the motorway, it deviates from the most direct route which continues along Derby road, to go through West Park, providing a scenic alternative, before returning to the main road via Long Eaton Cemetery and the appropriately named Lime Street....

Walk this route

There is a section in the middle where you have a choice of a cycle path (wider) or a footpath next to the canal (narrower, but more interesting views)....


Walk this route

This route is a shorter version of the Lonbee One route, taking in the northern boundary of the Attenborough Nature Reserve. It is a lovely route and a lot of wildlife can be seen along the way. The route can flood after prolonged, very heavy rain (as can Lonbee One), so check if this has been the case....

Lynn Jackson

Walk this route
Long Eaton—Beeston (Broxtowe)

Lynn Jackson added Lonbee two, a new walk from Long Eaton to Beeston (Broxtowe)

Walk this route
Breaston—Long Eaton

Lynn Jackson added Brelon two, a new walk from Breaston to Long Eaton

Walk this route

A nice canal path walk that takes you directly from Sandiacre to Long Eaton. There is a section attached to the Long Eaton Angling Society that narrows, and so wheeled users and those with dogs may find it easier to use the adjacent cycle path for a short way....

Lynn Jackson

Walk this route

The suggested path between Aldi and Trinity Methodist Church/Long Eaton Judo Club leads to a locked gate. Continue along the main road and turn left up Station Street instead....


Walk this route
Long Eaton

rach_l_t surveyed Long Eaton

View facilities

Options via Dovecote Lane past the Victoria Hotel are nicer but the rail bridge there is not accessible to mobility impaired users....


Walk this route
Kegworth—Long Eaton

Slow Ways added Keglon one, a new walk from Kegworth to Long Eaton

Walk this route
Long Eaton—Beeston (Broxtowe)

Slow Ways added Lonbee one, a new walk from Long Eaton to Beeston (Broxtowe)

Walk this route
Long Eaton—Clifton

Slow Ways added Loncli one, a new walk from Long Eaton to Clifton

Walk this route
Sandiacre—Long Eaton

Slow Ways added Sanlon one, a new walk from Sandiacre to Long Eaton

Walk this route

Long Eaton, Sat 15 February


Long Eaton’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

52.89954° / -1.27113°

Easting / Northing

449,126E / 333,813N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Long Eaton and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Long Eaton's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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