Connect Grays with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Grays to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

Give a hike!



Slow Ways linking Grays and Aveley, Chadwell St Mary, South Ockendon, Tilbury

England / Essex / Grays

Grays’s four Slow Ways are 44% checked

Drawn: 4/4
reviewed: 3/4
verified: 0/4
and surveyed: 0/4

Help connect Grays

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Grays’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Grays from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Avegra one Review me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 63m Descent 75m
Avegra two Review me Distance 9km/5mi Ascent 69m Descent 81m
Grays—Chadwell St Mary
Gracha one Pioneer me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 44m Descent 22m
Gratil one Verify me Distance 4km/2mi Ascent 19m Descent 11m
Gratil two Review me Distance 4km/3mi Ascent 12m Descent 19m
South Ockendon—Grays
Sougra one

Review me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 108m Descent 92m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Grays and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

46% of Grays’s four route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









3 people have contributed to Grays’s Slow Ways

0 people have pledged to walk and review a route

0 people have surveyed a route in Grays

33km out of 38km have been walked and reviewed

45km of reviews have been shared in Grays

Latest Updates

Nicer than GraTil 1 as you get some true respite from the A-road full of HGVs and that happens to be along a very pleasant and surprisingly scenic riverside path between housing estates, and was being used by a handful of locals....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Daisy C added Gratil two, a new walk from Grays to Tilbury

Walk this route

Great route, as I hoped it would be....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Daisy C added Avegra two, a new walk from Aveley to Grays

Walk this route

Following the cycle path from Tilbury Town Station to the roundabout by Asda and McDonalds feels counterintuitive as you head towards the heavier traffic road, but it does mean that I had light controlled crossings for all the busy roads. Eventually it turned off onto Dock Road, less traffic and few HGVs here but still busy. There's a level crossing at Grays Station, so no need to use the footbridge but there is a small flight of steps between Seabrooke Rise and Sheffield Street, which is hidden from view as you approach, it feels as it it will be a dead end....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Walked this route in the summer.Apart from overgrown vegetation it is relatively easy with only one incline.It is generally well signposted and I would recommend it...


Walk this route

I enjoyed the last bit of this as there was a walk/cycle way behind streets parallel to the gorges....


Walk this route

Straightforward route. No issues....


Walk this route

Rodway surveyed Grays

View facilities

Initially the route is pavement.Once you walk down the footpath in Stifford it can be muddy as you are walking in the valley of the river Mardyke.Some lovely views can be seen.Avoid going on the Travellers Site...


Walk this route

Slow Ways added Avegra one, a new walk from Aveley to Grays

Walk this route
Grays—Chadwell St Mary

Slow Ways added Gracha one, a new walk from Grays to Chadwell St Mary

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Gratil one, a new walk from Grays to Tilbury

Walk this route
South Ockendon—Grays

Slow Ways added Sougra one, a new walk from South Ockendon to Grays

Walk this route

Grays, Tue 8 October


Thunder shower

Grays’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.47616° / 0.32187°

Easting / Northing

561,341E / 177,800N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Grays and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Grays's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

Help us improve this information by signing up or logging in and carrying out a quick survey of Grays