Connect Devizes with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Devizes to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Slow Ways linking Devizes and Bratton, Calne, Market Lavington, Marlborough, Melksham, Pewsey, Trowbridge, Upavon

England / Wiltshire / Devizes

Devizes’s eight Slow Ways are 50% checked

Drawn: 8/8
reviewed: 6/8
verified: 1/8
and surveyed: 1/8

Help connect Devizes

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Devizes’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Devizes from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Bradev one Review me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent 174m Descent 147m
Bradev two Review me Distance 15km/10mi Ascent 233m Descent 206m
Bradev three Verify me Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 172m Descent 152m
Caldev one

Verify me Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 136m Descent 197m
Devizes—Market Lavington
Devimar one Review me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 143m Descent 180m
Devizes—Market Lavington
Devimar two Verify me Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 171m Descent 206m
Devizes—Market Lavington
Devimar three Review me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 404m Descent 437m
Devmar one Pioneer me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent 340m Descent 338m
Devmar two Pioneer me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent 302m Descent 299m
Devpew one Pioneer me Distance 21km/13mi Ascent 143m Descent 162m
Devupa one Review me Distance 20km/12mi Ascent 268m Descent 304m
Meldev one

Double check Distance 11km/7mi Ascent 109m Descent 19m
Meldev two Verify me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 117m Descent 27m
Meldev three Review me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 104m Descent 14m
Meldev four Enjoy me Distance 12km/8mi Ascent 121m Descent 31m
Trodev one Review me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent 178m Descent 91m
Trodev two Review me Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 170m Descent 85m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Devizes and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

68% of Devizes’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









8 people have contributed to Devizes’s Slow Ways

8 people have pledged to walk and review a route

16 people have surveyed a route in Devizes

192km out of 261km have been walked and reviewed

308km of reviews have been shared in Devizes

Latest Updates

Slow Ways surveyed Meldev two

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Great route between Melksham and Devizes, avoiding the no doubt very wet ground elsewhere. I can confirm this route should be wheelable, and is perfectly good on foot too....


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Helen Gough added Devpew one, a new walk from Devizes to Pewsey

Walk this route

Walked from Devizes to Calne on 1/9/2023.The climb from Devizes gave fine views from the top of Roundway Hill but after reaching the outskirts of Headington the walk deteriorated.The footpath at Church Farm,ST99966 66091was obstructed by large bales of straw and there appeared no way through, so the walk continued down the lane and turning first left brought us back on route. Several fields were then found to covered in tall maize and detours were made the get back on route.Stile in hedge ST99729 67643 was overgrown and difficult to get through. The path at copse ST 99819 68623 was non existent and after battling though past old pheasant fences and brambles there was no way through to route and again a detour was forced....


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We only encountered a problem as we neared Eddington that the field in which the footpath crossed to Cowleaze Lane, ST 93430 55316 had been planted with a cereal crop and the footpath was not visible and this necessitated walking around the edge of the field to regain the footpath....


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I walked my suggested diversion to avoid fields with inquisitive bullocks by going via Crookwood Farm, a lovey thatched farm house with a duck pond....

Catharine Sharples

Walk this route

Very similar to Devmar two, but taking out the very wet section, and replacing it with a stone bridlepath. Very much enjoyed this route. There are multiple options leading into ML, so the sections with gates, narrow tracks can be avoided...


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Devizes—Market Lavington

Brian added Devimar three, a new walk from Devizes to Market Lavington

Walk this route

A very pleasant route through the outskirts of Devizes, past a nature reserve and up to enjoy extensive views before dropping down to cross lower meadowland, then climbing up again and weaving a way through lesser known parts of Easterton and Market Lavington....

Catharine Sharples

Walk this route

The roads are generally quiet, but two roads ( a ) just leaving Poulshot [ busy ], ( b ) Worton to Seend road [ v busy ] These are generally straight, have adjacent verges and total 0.30 mi. ( b ) You can avoid fields with cows, and 5 stiles by taking quiet road and Towmead Byway between ST 922 579 and ST 932 adds 0.11 mi overall...


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Brian surveyed Bradev three

Walk this route

Brian added Bradev three, a new walk from Bratton to Devizes

Walk this route

The Rose and Crown in Worton is ( as most pubs now ) closed weekdays.I recorded the route by GPS at 11.20 mi...


Walk this route

Undertook this route yesterday, and the first section was fine, generally being green lanes and quiet roads, thereafter the route took paths across fields towards Marston ( rather than green lanes ) which involved cows and stiles....


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Brian added Bradev two, a new walk from Bratton to Devizes

Walk this route

I walked this last week, as I needed to shave the time off between Bratton and Devizes, and this route largely follows Bradev one, but cuts out fields and stiles, in favour of quiet country lanes It is 0.75 mi shorter than Bradev one There is the Rose and Crown pub in Worton, but has no weekday openings, evenings only Mon to Thurs, with Fr to Sun lunchtimes and evenings...


Walk this route

Being a resident of Melksham I am fully aware of the state of the footpaths in the Melksham and surrounding areas, Wiltshire Council will NOT condemn landowners who annually flagrantly break the law by planting maize which complete blocks the network of paths. From June to October this is a no go area. Like Peter I undertook this walk yesterday from Devizes to Melksham, and the sections from Devizes, along the canal, across fields to Redstocks is fine. From Redstocks on, there was....


Walk this route

The route out of Devizes follows pavement along St Johns St, Long St, and the A342 to Wick Lane, which whilst scenic is busy with vehicles.There is a quieter route to Wick Lane which is the Devmar one and two routes. The section down to Drew's Pond, and up onto Potterne Field are very pretty,and the views on Potterne Field are fantastic ( assuming you do it in good weather ! )....


Walk this route

DaveYearsley took this photo on Caldev one

Walk this route

Off route, and halfway, there are exceptional views from Kings Play Hill (access land), The Plantation, Beacon Hill (access land), and Roundway Hill Covert....


Walk this route

I tried walking this route from Devizes to Melksham, The canal sections were fine - but the farmland sections became very problematic where some footpaths across fields were impassable due to deep ploughing across the entire field and other areas were very muddy/flooded. I needed to rely on my OS maps + GPS to pick through some fields. Having looked at the other variations for Melksham-Devizes I think that MelDev04 is the optimum one for the network as it looks like a more reliable, more accessible route....

Peter Cooke

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Brian added Trodev two, a new walk from Trowbridge to Devizes

Walk this route

This route is ideal for people with mobility issues, or walking with a pushchair. It follows lit pavement, or unlit paved ( hardcore/grit ) canal towpath for the whole route. Zero stiles, cows, horses, crops etc etc....


Walk this route

This route is a safer option to Devimar one, avoiding the steep slope at Grubbe's Wood ( SU009 585 )....


Walk this route

There is the Ivy Pub and Convenience Store mid route ( check for opening days/times ) The paved sections in Calne and Devizes are fine, but Calne runs alongside the busy A4....


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Devizes—Market Lavington

Brian added Devimar two, a new walk from Devizes to Market Lavington

Walk this route

Having completed the route and posted a survey, I wanted to elaborate on the route. I would have given a review of 5 stars, but for the steep slippery slope mid section...


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Some fields can be avoided after Rusty Lane Farm and taking the straight route (South South East) to the Canal - this is shown in Photo 11....


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DaveYearsley took this photo on Meldev two

Walk this route

Walkers who can use an ordnance survey map might prefer a pleasanter route out of Melksham by following Clackers Brook to Redstocks and then joining the Kennet & Avon Canal via Rusty Lane Farm....


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DaveYearsley took this photo on Meldev four

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A slight amendment to Meldev two removing a couple of fields with stiles, replaced with more canal towpath...


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A longer alternative to other Meldev routes which have field paths with stiles, but one suitable for wheelchairs/ pushchairs...


Walk this route

Brian added Meldev four, a new walk from Melksham to Devizes

Walk this route

I have slightly amended the Meldev two route to take out footpaths with stiles, and replaced with additional canal towpath...


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As comments on Meldev one, I have slightly amended the Meldev two route to take out field public footpaths with stiles, and replaced with additional canal towpath...


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Brian added Meldev three, a new walk from Melksham to Devizes

Walk this route

DaveYearsley added Meldev two, a new walk from Melksham to Devizes

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Bradev one, a new walk from Bratton to Devizes

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Caldev one, a new walk from Calne to Devizes

Walk this route
Devizes—Market Lavington

Slow Ways added Devimar one, a new walk from Devizes to Market Lavington

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Devmar one, a new walk from Devizes to Marlborough

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Devmar two, a new walk from Devizes to Marlborough

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Devupa one, a new walk from Devizes to Upavon

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Meldev one, a new walk from Melksham to Devizes

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Trodev one, a new walk from Trowbridge to Devizes

Walk this route

Devizes, Fri 14 February

Light rain

Devizes’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.35242° / -1.99561°

Easting / Northing

400,402E / 161,483N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Devizes and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


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