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We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks
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Slow Ways linking Berinsfield and Abingdon, Chalgrove, Didcot, Oxford, Wallingford
England / Oxfordshire / Berinsfield
Berinsfield’s five Slow Ways are 85% checked
Help connect Berinsfield
Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.
Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.
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Walk to Berinsfield from further afield
Slow Way | Route | To do | ||||||||
Abiber one |
4 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 10km/6mi | Ascent 42m | Descent 46m | ||
Bercha one |
4 X |
Review me | Distance 10km/6mi | Ascent 46m | Descent 37m | ||
Berwal one |
4 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 23m | Descent 32m | ||
Didber one |
4 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 10km/7mi | Ascent 89m | Descent 88m | |
Oxfber one |
U U |
Survey me | Distance 15km/9mi | Ascent 63m | Descent 64m |
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Berinsfield and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
Collective progress
90% of Berinsfield’s five route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified
7 people have contributed to Berinsfield’s Slow Ways
5 people have pledged to walk and review a route
5 people have surveyed a route in Berinsfield
57km out of 57km have been walked and reviewed
175km of reviews have been shared in Berinsfield
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The route leaves picturesque Abingdon over the Thames bridge and takes a footpath eastward (Photo 1). The route takes an uneven path alongside rail tracks (Photo 3), before crossing them to arrive at Culham Science Centre....
Martin Ellis
A pleasant mostly rural route using footpaths and bridleways to connect Didcot and Berinsfield via Little Wittenham and Dorchester on Thames. The route takes in several scenic and historic landmarks including the Earth Trust's Wittenham Clumps (including an Iron Age hillfort on Castle Hill), Little Wittenham church and Day's Lock on the Thames, the Iron Age earthworks at Dyke Hills, and historic Dorchester with its medieval Abbey. There are no refreshments stops on the route but both Didcot and Dorchester have cafes, pubs and shops....
Berkshire Walker
Note: I walked Berinsfield to Didcot. Watch out for the A4074 crossing point [SU575952], which I had to double back to find, having walked almost to the bridge crossing. The river is crossed via the Little Wittenham Bridge (Photo 2); a former location for the annual World Poohsticks Championships....
Martin Ellis
An enjoyable walk from Berinsfield, via Dorchester; to then follow the Thames Path National Trail between Shillingford and Wallingford. There is an earlier crossing option [SU575952] or continue along the path for a safer crossing by bridge [SU581948] (Photo 2)....
Martin Ellis
A pleasant walk south out of Oxford which first follows the Thames Path National Trail, and then takes farmland footpaths into Berinsfield. The Slow Way leaves the Thames Path at Sandford Lock (Photo 1) for footpaths across fields....
Martin Ellis
The footpath that crosses the A4074 as you pass between Berinsfield and Dorchester is hard to spot but the map is accurate, a spot of GPS is handy at that point, there is a footpath sign it is just hidden by the trees....
when I first arrived in this area I remember noticing the big skies around Didcot and this walk makes the most of them....
From here you must track diagonally across fields which can be confusing, and there is a short section on the busy A4074 to rejoin the route on the far side, which is again confusing as the markings through Nineveh farm are not clear....
The section running parallel to the railway line has a very short section of overgrown bramble which makes it slightly tricky....
If you're planning to walk this route and finish with refreshments, then I recommend starting at Berinsfield, because Wallingford has a range of options, while Berinsfield has next to nothing....
Martin McGovern
The section between Burcot and Berinsfield is on pavement next to a road, but the section to the north of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (marked Thame Lane on maps) is also solid. Having said that, the remaining sections are on pasture or farmland, and not recommended for wheels. Sights - as well as the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (home of the largest temperatures in the solar system - see for details), the walk passes the Culham Motocross Park, and the location of the first pound lock on the Thames....
Martin McGovern
The first quarter starting from Berinsfield is on road, but were relatively quiet on the Sunday morning when I walked it....
Martin McGovern
This route has several interesting elements. At Little Whittenham there's the environmental learning charity Earth Trust; part of the route through Dorchester runs along the Roman road; and the village of Berinsfield was built on the site of a second world war air base....
Martin McGovern
This was particularly true of this route, with two significant sections (one running westward out of Marsh Baldon towards Nineveh Farm, and one from the A4074 to Lower Farm) being difficult to identify. The Marsh Baldon section was a wheatfield which had been harvested, and was therefore easy to cross, but the A4074-Lower Farm section had fully grown pea plants on it. I didn’t have the same problem at the same place, but there were several bullocks at Marsh Baldon....
Martin McGovern
I walked part of the Oxford to Berinsfield route with the intention of completing the whole route and doing a survey....
WendyTobitt added Didber one, a new walk from Didcot to Berinsfield
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Abiber one, a new walk from Abingdon to Berinsfield
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Bercha one, a new walk from Berinsfield to Chalgrove
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Berwal one, a new walk from Berinsfield to Wallingford
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Oxfber one, a new walk from Oxford to Berinsfield
Walk this route
Berinsfield’s Slow Ways starting point
Grid ref
Lat / Lon
51.66342° / -1.17743°
Easting / Northing
456,989E / 196,391N
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Berinsfield and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
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