
Worhoy one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Worsbrough and Hoyland.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Worsbrough and Hoyland.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Problems reported -  Access (1) Accuracy (1)

Downloads - 4


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SE3595804156
Lat / Lon 53.53285° / -1.45898°
Easting / Northing 435,958E / 404,156N
What3Words cycles.waddled.pest
Grid Ref SE3737000589
Lat / Lon 53.50070° / -1.43810°
Easting / Northing 437,370E / 400,589N
What3Words gained.spoke.laptop

Worhoy One's land is

Arable 23.5%
Pasture 4.1%
Urban 47.1%
Woods 25.3%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Hugh Hudson

10 Sep 2022 (edited 02 Nov 2023) Summer

Second part of a four route walk from Chapeltown to Royston via Hoyland, Worsbrough and Barnsley, so walked from Hoyland to Worsbrough.

I echo Dan's comments about the bridlepath between the old railway tracks at Blacker Hill and Worsbrough - it lacks signs and stiles and there are no traces of it on the ground. The whole area is criss-crossed by rough tracks, many of them muddy and deeply rutted. I tried to stay close to the original line, but eventually gave up, and would not recommend the route I chose. I hope my new route WORROY 2 resolves the problem - it starts on the good path shown on photo 2 and ends on an old lane, so I am pretty confident it is better. Photo 3 shows where the bridlepath should have left this path.

There are a few stiles on the route between the A6195 bridge and Blacker Hill. Coming down from Blacker Hill the path passes through an industrial site where the way forward is not clearly marked - you turn left and find a small path at the bottom end of the yard. From the river Dove onwards the rest of the road up the hill into Worsbrough is easy, though the right of way left of the road is nearer than the OS map suggests (i.e. you use the "path" not the green right of way on the OS Explorer map).


17 Apr 2022 (edited 19 Aug 2022) Spring

This could be a good Slow Way, but the route follows public rights of way that are overgrown and not accessible. This is the case from where the path crosses the small footbridge at Blacker Dike (SE 36419 03213) and through virtually all the woodlands. Much of the woods are (or have been) used for motorsports.

There are many other possible route options. Someone local should be able to make a good suggestion.


31 May 2021 Spring

Really lovely walk and most of it is on footpaths away from roads which is great. I took my Dad and he enjoyed taking photos of the flowers and the trees.

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Worhoy two




164 m


118 m

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