WiveliscombeWellington, Somerset

Wivwel two
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By Tim Ryan on 03 Dec 2021







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A alternative to Wivwel 1 through Wellington, because of footpath closure. A nice route through open countryside. At the time of this review (Dec.21) the path around the Haywood Farm Estate at Nynehead was unclear and muddy, having recently been ploughed and not reinstated. However once around this the route is fine in either direction

A alternative to Wivwel 1 through Wellington, because of footpath closure. A nice route through open countryside. At the time of this review (Dec.21) the path around the Haywood Farm Estate at Nynehead was unclear and muddy, having recently been ploughed and not reinstated. However once around this the route is fine in either direction


This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Problems reported -  Access (1)

Downloads - 3


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref ST0807427816
Lat / Lon 51.04231° / -3.31262°
Easting / Northing 308,074E / 127,816N
What3Words explored.lightens.responses
Wellington, Somerset
Grid Ref ST1405720774
Lat / Lon 50.97993° / -3.22563°
Easting / Northing 314,057E / 120,774N
What3Words proofread.lotteries.prestige

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Clare Mitchell

20 Nov 2023 Autumn

Sadly this route was not great. We were staying half way along it so the plan was to walk one half then the other but we abandoned it after one half. Part of the problem was the mud after the torrential rain that there had been. That would have been manageable. However the route is blocked at Heywood farm by at least 2 electric fences. We managed to cross one but gave up at the next. Instead we walked through the farm yard (not a right of way) which was a bit off putting as it was next to a clay shooting range. The bit of the footpath we did manage was also covered in clays. Problem has been reported. The next field, heading south, was full of crops so we diverted along the lanes.
I'm sure that once the path is open again and it stops raining it will be a lovely route.

Charles Hedley

22 Jul 2022 Summer

I walked this route in the Wiveliscombe to Wellington direction on a lovely sunny day at the start of July.
This was overall a lovely walk with no real difficulty and plenty of views to enjoy. The route is mostly on public footpaths and accross fields. It was relatively easy to follow with the exception of 2 locations around Manor Farm and Heywood Farm where the path crossing the wheat fields was not obvious.

You can get back to your start point using two bus services via Taunton (do check bus times before you set off especially between Wiveliscombe and Taunton).

I would definitely recommend this walk.

Tim Ryan

04 May 2022 Spring

A nice route which is mostly on paths and quiet country lanes. There are diversions (at the time of the review) where there are construction works to the north of Wellington, and these are open to change. But there are notices identifying the route. Some muddy sections experienced.

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Wiveliscombe—Wellington, Somerset

Wivwel one




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174 m

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