Wick (Bristol)Yate

Wicyat two
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By Mockymock on 12 May 2022







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Route passing through Wick Golden Valley nature reserve, the village of Doynton and the Monarch’s Way along the Boyd River valley, before taking a route mostly using easy bridleways and cycle ways into Yate

Route passing through Wick Golden Valley nature reserve, the village of Doynton and the Monarch’s Way along the Boyd River valley, before taking a route mostly using easy bridleways and cycle ways into Yate


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Wick (Bristol)
Grid Ref ST7041172724
Lat / Lon 51.45272° / -2.42721°
Easting / Northing 370,411E / 172,724N
What3Words noble.ocean.fluid
Grid Ref ST7146482599
Lat / Lon 51.54156° / -2.41286°
Easting / Northing 371,464E / 182,599N
What3Words solve.mice.shut

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12 May 2022 Spring

This enjoyable route in the mostly flat or gently sloping terrain of the Cotswold hinterlands, is fairly easy to walk and navigate, and has on-off views east to the edge of the hills proper for much of the way.

Initially it uses tracks and paths through a wooded nature reserve and a quiet lane to pass around quarries north of Wick, before picking up the Monarch’s Way for a few miles through fields along the course of the River Boyd. It passes through stone village of Doynton, which has a pub.

From just south of the M4 it switches to a long, straight and part-shaded bridleway (prettily adorned with cow parsley and other wild flowers in mid May) for the couple of miles on up to Westerleigh, parting from the Monarch’s Way on the north side of the motorway.

At Westerleigh, after crossing a feisty local through-road, it continues along a short, stony farm track to an enclosed footpath which heads downhill for a few hundred yards to Beanwood Farm. This looks as if it may well get pretty wet and muddy from water running down it in the winter months but was dry after a largely rainless few weeks. From there it is a short mixed hop around farm buildings, past a big electricity pylon and through some pony pastures to Wapley.

Here the route takes a good cycle path through Wapley Bushes nature reserve (more like a park really) which leads on over the mainline railway and follows a green corridor beside it into the edge of Yate.

The last mile or so is on a quiet, paved off-road path through a housing estate, and then a cycle path alongside a road with a wide grassy verge. Don’t be tempted, as I was, to try and use Kingsgate Park immediately to the west of the road as there is no access out of it at the northern end.

Access is all through gates and kissing gates. There are a few steps and there will undoubtedly be some muddy places along the way in winter. Overall it is a very pleasant walk.

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