
Thowot one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Thornbury and Wotton-under-Edge.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Thornbury and Wotton-under-Edge.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref ST6370489851
Lat / Lon 51.60632° / -2.52550°
Easting / Northing 363,704E / 189,851N
What3Words page.magpie.livid
Grid Ref ST7585093389
Lat / Lon 51.63878° / -2.35036°
Easting / Northing 375,850E / 193,389N

Thowot One's land is

Arable 18.8%
Pasture 54.0%
Urban 23.2%
Woods 4.1%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



13 Nov 2022 (edited 14 Nov 2022) Autumn

Once you have escaped the first mile or so of mazy alleyways through the housing estates of Thornbury, this is a good walk on quiet lanes and farmland in the rolling territory between the low-lying Severn Vale and the rise of the Cotswold edge. It is obviously a bit harder work going generally uphill in the Thornbury to Wotton direction than the reverse. Some good views along the way and lovely today with angled late autumn sunlight and golden bronze leaves on the many oak trees.

The route departs Thornbury via a near mile of footpaths in alleyways with variable surfaces, some narrow and a little rough and often with high fences, so not a lot to see. There are a few steps and sometimes partial barriers across exits to roads so not good for wheelers. And although it looks straight on the map, I had to use my GPS a bit to check where I was going several times. It is probably more straightforward just to make your way through town on the streets instead.

Once at the edge of town, the Slow Way crosses the ring road Morton Way and exits to the countryside through a new area of housing and some allotments. From here the walk is much more enjoyable. It is mostly on-road for the next few miles and the route climbs steadily uphill, but the lanes are quiet and there are some good views around and back over the Severn Vale. Take care crossing the fast A38 at Buckover.

Eventually, after crossing over the M5, the route turns off-road and stays off it for most of the rest of the way. It climbs uphill on a track to Abbotside Farm (noisy but contained dogs in the farmyard) and soon descends into a little valley to cross the river by an abandoned mill house. The ground going up out is narrow and steep with some steps.

After this the walk is almost all across farmland with stiles, kissing gates and farm gates which are variable to open. The infrastructure is not always in the best condition and I climbed over one or two gates but the area looks to be well walked. At Bibstone, there is a pub, the Royal Oak, with outside tables with a good view.

After crossing the B4509, I stepped over a plastic newt fence and wondered if the field was about to be developed but met a digger driver who told me that it is, in fact, due to be quarried. The line of the footpath is being retained, however, between two new earth banks which have just been constructed. It is a bit claggy underfoot at the moment (Nov 22) but I assume this will all be reseeded and settle down. Expect noise here in future I guess?!

The walk down from Church End into Charfield (nice bench to sit on in the church grounds) is good with a view to the Cotswold edge ahead. The route skirts the edge of the village and crosses the railway before routing through an area of arable land. It was early in the growing cycle but paths looked to be forming through the crops already, so it looks as though it isn't a hard area of cropped land to walk through.

Note that the stile at the footpath sign into the first of these fields at the edge of Charfield doesnt look much used. It had a pile of swept leaves in front if it when I passed. Looks like everyone uses the gate just to the left. Also, by the low mound of Ebury Hill going on towards Kingswood, the line of the footpath actually runs a bit to the south of the footpath on the OS map and the route plot. Look for the stile with a clear yellow arrow on it. That is the right line.

It is a pretty walk through the old, churchy centre of the village of Kingswood and then there is a final steepish haul up the hill to Wotton-under-edge.

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