
Strilf one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Stratford and Ilford.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Stratford and Ilford.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

This route has potentially been flagged (2 times) for reasons relating to safety.

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Not verified

Route status - Live

Reviews - 2

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Is this route good enough? -  No (1) Maybe (1)

Problems reported -  Safety (2)

Downloads - 1


We are working to build-up a picture of what routes look like. To do that we are asking volunteers to survey routes so that we can communicate features, obstacles and challenges that may make a route desirable or not.

Slow Ways surveyors are asked to complete some basic online training, but they are not vetted. If you are dependent on the survey information being correct in order to complete a route, we recommend that you think critically about the information provided. You may also wish to wait until more than one survey has been completed.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ3859784370
Lat / Lon 51.54122° / -0.00282°
Easting / Northing 538,597E / 184,370N
What3Words lively.dices.only
Grid Ref TQ4360386522
Lat / Lon 51.55931° / 0.07019°
Easting / Northing 543,603E / 186,522N
What3Words cafe.bricks.frame

Strilf One's land is

Urban 100.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Andrea weyand

17 Mar 2024 Winter

This night be the most direct route but it is along a very busy main road, not enjoyable. I rather detour a bit along quieter streets.


01 Apr 2022 Spring

This is not an acceptable Slow Ways route. It runs almost entirely on the very busy A118 Romford Road. It's the route you would take anyway if you didn't know that there was a better alternative than the main road between Stratford and Ilford. It devalues the Slow Ways brand. There is a good alternative route, "Strilf two", so there is no need for "Strilf one.".

  • andrea weyand

    Andrea weyand

    17 Mar 2024

    I agree, this is walking along the main road for the entire time. Not enjoyable though the most direct route.

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