
Shecro two
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 75.00% of reviewers

By Hiking Historian on 12 Jan 2022







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New route from Sheringham to Cromer using existing footpaths

New route from Sheringham to Cromer using existing footpaths


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Start and end points

Grid Ref TG1576243054
Lat / Lon 52.94151° / 1.20963°
Easting / Northing 615,762E / 343,054N
What3Words envy.masterful.partner
Grid Ref TG2138242023
Lat / Lon 52.92997° / 1.29242°
Easting / Northing 621,382E / 342,023N
What3Words splint.invented.shepherds

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Anna Steven

10 Jul 2023 Summer

Fantastic, far reaching views of the sea were the highlight of this fairly easy walk. Becoming an urban trail in parts, some care is needed where the pavement becomes quite narrow along a busy stretch of the A149 through East Runton, before dropping back down to the calmer, green space above the cliffs. Beeston Hill might prove a bit of a challenge for some, especially on the way back after a well deserved pint and an ice cream in Sheringham! it is particularly important to keep to the well marked paths as the cliffs can be unstable in places. There are loos and plenty of places to get refreshments in both Cromer and Sheringham, as well as a couple of places in between. Some sections require walking down steps for some distance so there are access issues to be considered when attempting the entire route.


07 Jun 2023 Spring

The route follows along clear and maintained paths, both paved and public footpaths along the clifftop and through several campsites. Sign’s along the way warn of unstable cliff top between Cromer and East Runton which is reflected in the route which directs you to follow along the road. Roadside pavement between Cromer and into East Runton is quite narrow at points, requiring single file and meant having to step out onto a fairly busy road to pass pedestrians walking in the other direction.

Gates at West Runton to clifftop path could impact accessibility but alternative to walk through carpark which is similar terrain and joins up with the path.
Beeston Bump also poses an obstacle to accessibility with wide steep steps on either side.

Several bus stops present along the roadside paths, and route starts and ends at train stations for connection options. Route passing through West Runton provides facilities at mid-way point (public toilets, café, small shop).

Norwich John

07 Jun 2023 Spring

This is a gentle walk, that for about half its length follows the coast.
Beeston bump is a quite steep in places and has large steps making it difficult for a wheel chair, (particularly if you're heading east away from Sheringham).

The rest of the walk is gentle rolling and very pleasant. like the other review, we had to walk along the main road where coastal erosion has forced a route change (the GPX file does reflect this). The foot path next to the main road is very narrow in East Runton. the main road is quite busy with buses and lorries going past.

there are a couple of nice cafes and loos on route and some interesting fossils

I agree with the 'easy' rating.

Hiking Historian

13 Jan 2022 Winter

Rerouted walk uses much of the Norfolk Coastal Path, and as such is a route for foot only, as cyclists are not able to use the footpath, and gates and steps, especially on Beeston Bump, excludes wheelchairs, except for near Cromer.

That said, it's a very enjoyable coastal route, with some necessary diversions inland and along paved roads where the old route has fallen into the sea!

Good amenities and transport links at both ends, and a store at West Runton halfway through.

  • Hiking Historian

    Hiking Historian

    13 Jan 2022

    The ending in Cromer is a bit skewiff; I blame my automated mapping system! It's easier to go around the greens, then over the little bridge to the road and onto the station.

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Shecro one




196 m


188 m


Shecro three




156 m


147 m

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