
Sedsto one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Sedgefield and Stockton-on-Tees.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Sedgefield and Stockton-on-Tees.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref NZ3559728812
Lat / Lon 54.65317° / -1.44982°
Easting / Northing 435,597E / 528,812N
What3Words defected.detergent.creamed
Grid Ref NZ4452819015
Lat / Lon 54.56442° / -1.31289°
Easting / Northing 444,528E / 519,015N
What3Words glimmers.hothouse.sushi

Sedsto One's land is

Arable 60.3%
Green urban 10.3%
Urban 29.4%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Lisa Diane Weatherill

20 Jun 2023 Spring

Stillington to Shotton part of the route . There is a shop,takeaway and when open two cafes in the industrial estate in Stillington but no public toilets , so a good stop off point for refreshments . Sometimes the village hall is in use if you ask the users for access there are toilets available . Wed 1-3 there is a coffee afternoon which costs £1
The walk takes you up Morrison Street named after the philanthropist Walter Morrison who was a business man who founded the carlton iron works .
The church is a listed building due to the shape of the tower this covers all the church grounds including the wall !
The way through the woods is clearly marked and the farmer has kept the field paths clear . Depending on the crops you may find them taller than you !
Unfortunately his path clearance doesn't extend to the bridge and style approaches so be careful of nettles in the summer , long trousers would be ideal
At the farmhouse turn right up the Lane and the next path is clearly visible on the left .

Enjoy your walk.


08 Jun 2023 Spring

Overall I found this route to be pretty easy to navigate, though I would imagine it could be easier/harder depending on the growth phase of the crops in the fields that comprise a relatively large section of the route between Stillington and Sedgefield. Although there are a few public footpath signs, there are some places where I had to play 'spot the path', particularly when crossing the fields. The fact that some of this route goes through fields that are ploughed and can be very rough and rutted makes this unsuitable for wheels. I liked the fact that the route stays away from major roads.

The only real negative I have for this route is where it goes through Shotton - there is a very large collection of beehives on the farm that the path runs next to. When I walked the route the bees were very active and their approach route was low and crossed the path and I ended up with several bees accidentally flying into me and getting stuck in my hair, which wasn't fun (though luckily I wasn't stung). If I do this route again in the summer, I'll be taking a detour along to the bridle path to put a bit more distance between the path I'm on and the bees.

  • Lisa Diane Weatherill

    Lisa Diane Weatherill

    20 Jun 2023

    No bees on the section I walked today Stillington to Shotton I made my walk into a circular so peaceful !

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