New AddingtonBromley

Newabro one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting New Addington and Bromley.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting New Addington and Bromley.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Minimum elevation

Start and end points

New Addington
Grid Ref TQ3821362234
Lat / Lon 51.34240° / -0.01699°
Easting / Northing 538,213E / 162,235N
What3Words oasis.ozone.goals
Grid Ref TQ4041968709
Lat / Lon 51.40004° / 0.01721°
Easting / Northing 540,419E / 168,709N
What3Words face.newly.stages

Newabro One's land is

Arable 8.8%
Pasture 46.6%
Urban 33.0%
Woods 11.6%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Richard Walking

31 May 2021 Spring

Boring first mile from Bromley South along pavement of very busy A21. Pleasant walk through woods, but access and path through difficult to navigate, and can be very muddy. Dangerous crossing of A232 on bend and junction. A lot of walking along relatively busy country lanes with no pavements. In addition to the tram, frequent bus service from New Addington back to Bromley South.


05 May 2021 (edited 27 Jun 2023) Spring

Bromley to New Addington
Overall, this walk is rather mixed. There are some suburban sections, which are best left behind as soon as possible, some lovely woodlands and open fields, which are an absolute delight, and quite a distance (or what seems like it) walking down country roads with high hedgerows on either side and no footpath. Most of the latter is fairly safe as there is not much traffic, but you still need to keep your eyes open and follow appropriate precautions. There are however a couple of sections where the road is busier and the traffic faster, and these are not pleasant at all. In addition, some of the route is at a steep incline, some is over rough woodland track and some, as mentioned, is on open road. The first two would make wheelchair use exceedingly difficult and the third could be lethal.
You really should have a proper map or better still the OS map app, as some of the off-road sections are not straight forward. Looking at the Slow Ways route on your phone is not very precise and you will probably end up getting lost, as we did, not having downloaded it to the app before the walk.
Toilets and lift: at Bromley South station.
Shops: various shops plus Waitrose within 5 minutes of Bromley South. some small shops in New Addington.
Refreshments: two pubs in Keston, the Fox and the Greyhound
We walked the route the other way round from Bromley to New Addington, if you do it as suggested, all uphills are downhill and vice versa.
Bromley station to Norman park
This section takes you from the station along Bromley Common Rd which is quite busy but fortunately lasts for only about a mile.
Norman park to Keston Common
Even with a map it is not easy to find the entrance to the suggested route through the woods on your left. We would suggest you take the entrance where the explanation sign board is, and turn right heading South East across the glade in the middle of the woods. You will then come out into Rookery Lane just South of Bromley College. Follow the path by the side of the wood, in fact there are trees on both sides, and you will come to a rectangular shaped lake on your right. About halfway along on your left is the entrance into Brook Wood. If you get to the end of the lake, you've missed it, so keep your eyes peeled. The path through the woods is undulating and would be difficult to access by wheelchair. When you come out to the road head East and then South East along the track with the woods on your left and paddocks with horses in them (probably) on your right. After just over a mile, you will have to enter the wood then turn sharp right heading South- South-East through Barnet Wood. It is quite easy to take the wrong track here so when you are at the South East tip of the clearing which will be to your right, make sure you head South West and you will come out on the road, with Keston common just over the road on your left.
Keston Common to the Police Dog Training Centre.
Having crossed the road walk up Commonside, being very careful about the traffic coming down onto the A 232 which you will have just crossed. After 200 yards or so on your left-hand side you will see Oakfield Lane. You can cross here and carry on by the side of the road up a pebbled track. This is much safer. You are now in the centre of Keston with its two pubs, see above. Cross the road keeping the Fox on your left. Go down Fox Lane, which is quite steep about 9% over the initial half kilometre. This road is quite narrow with high hedges and no footpath, although it is not particularly busy and you can usually hear traffic coming, unless of course it's an electric car. At the bottom of Fox Lane, turn left into Jackass Lane and take an immediate right along a footpath which will take you to Nash. Turn left and walk down Nash Lane until you come to T junction with the Police Dog Training Centre directly ahead of you. For obvious reasons, don't try and take a shortcut across here.

Police Dog Training Centre to New Addington tram stop.
The first part of this section (for a couple of hundred yards) is along a rather busy road which unfortunately has no footpath, so be extremely careful. You will come to a sharp junction which is signposted with arrows. At the junction on your left is a footpath, with a sign that says, “no entry for horses and bikes”. Take this path until it leads you out into quite a large clearing sloping to your right-hand side. The path for New Addington is to your right so make sure you go downhill along the hedge keeping the clearing to your left-hand side and follow the path to Rowdown Wood. From here you do a dog leg into an industrial estate and across the residential area into new Addington. The tram stop is the terminus, so if there is a tram there it's for you.

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New Addington—Bromley

Newabro two




93 m


196 m

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