
Molbuc one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Mold and Buckley.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Mold and Buckley.

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This route has been reviewed by 5 people.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to accuracy.

This route has been flagged (3 times) for reasons relating to safety.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 5

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Problems reported -  Accuracy (1) Safety (3)

Downloads - 4


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SJ2388763986
Lat / Lon 53.16754° / -3.14000°
Easting / Northing 323,887E / 363,986N
What3Words wriggled.twinkling.rank
Grid Ref SJ2776264023
Lat / Lon 53.16842° / -3.08206°
Easting / Northing 327,762E / 364,023N

Molbuc One's land is

Arable 7.5%
Pasture 36.7%
Urban 55.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Hiking Historian

02 Mar 2024 Winter

Not great, and full of so many errors.

First, it takes a footpath along the river Alyn, which, despite still on OS maps, doesn't look like it's existed for many years due to subsidence and the incursion of back gardens to the riverside.

The path from Leadmills to the A55, whilst walkable, ends in a massive unmarked pond, and the crossing over the A55 can be dangerous if busy.

The rest of the route isn't too bad, albeit muddy and missing the odd stile. Whilst I was able to walk most of the route, I wouldn't recommend it, and preferred MolBuc Two.

Miami mike

05 Nov 2023 Autumn

I'd use molbuc 2 over this.

Daisy C

19 Oct 2022 (edited 27 Jun 2023) Autumn

This is an armchair-only review. This route is technically navigable (the riverside path problem is pretty short and looks easy to resolve) and it may be very attractive overall, and have lots of off road sections but it does all that at the expense of being direct (nearly twice the shortest possible route!) and of being safe.

The safety is a particular concern. The Mold Bypass crossing looks bad, it's national speed limit, there are no "pedestrian crossing" type signs, the footpath fingerposts are pretty much invisible at the distance a car-driver would need and the road has 3 lanes, with tarmac edging it;s the width of 4 lanes.

I've uploaded a new shorter version which still has some off road sections but is only 30% longer than the shortest possible route.

Howard White

26 Jun 2021 Summer

Riverside path 5 near Leadmills, Mold does not physically exist: Extinguished c 1914. Use back lane nearby instead. Dangerous crossing of 3 lane Mold Bypass A494. Path also very wet in places. Often cows grazing in fields.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    21 Jul 2021

    Hi Howard. Can you describe exactly which bit of the route is the extinguished Riverside Path 5 please? I'm trying to plot an alternative but I can't get to Mold and although Flintshire have an online Rights of way map I'm not sure if the path numbers fit.

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Yep That Dad

26 Apr 2021 Spring

The section from Greenhill Farm to Well Street - across the fields, through the horse paddocks and the perimeter of the farm can get a bit boggy, even without bad weather. Stay on Rose lane and turn left onto Well Street to navigate around this small section, it's a relatively quiet road.

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Molbuc two




88 m


44 m

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