
Marlmai one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Marlow and Maidenhead.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Marlow and Maidenhead.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (2 times) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Problems reported -  Accuracy (2)

Downloads - 7


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SU8507986250
Lat / Lon 51.56872° / -0.77385°
Easting / Northing 485,079E / 186,250N
What3Words exactly.pothole.marzipan
Grid Ref SU8903381171
Lat / Lon 51.52245° / -0.71810°
Easting / Northing 489,033E / 181,171N
What3Words prop.brings.cure

Marlmai One's land is

Arable 5.2%
Pasture 31.5%
Urban 45.1%
Woods 18.1%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



16 Jan 2022 Winter

This is an enjoyable walk that includes woodland, fields (and much mud), and pleasant residential parts of Maidenhead. I walked from Marlow. We soon came across the footpath tunnel under the A40 opened by Theresa May for flood defences, and the flat fields up to the wooden bridge are sometimes flooded. 200m from the route, in Bisham Woods, is the entrance to Bisham Abbey's 18th century ice house, restored in the 1980s. St Edmund Campion School has a delightful road crossing. Near the end of the route, the footpath was blocked by a Homebase and other large stores, which forced me to walk around them and on the other side of a small canal (York Stream), see attached image. The route finished in central Maidenhead, near the library.
The route is safe and accurate apart from the detour described. There are no stiles. I would walk it again.
Norden Farm Theatre in Maidenhead has an outdoor picnic area.


28 Apr 2021 Spring

I found this route to be a non-starter and it should not be verified. I walked from the Maidenhead side where the route quickly attempts to take you down private roads, through buildings and along non-existing paths. There are walk-arounds along unattractive roads but in my view this route is beyond fixing. It's not sufficiently direct and is badly drawn. In the interests of finding a helpful solution, I've started mapping a route to post soon that will head south east from Marlow more directly heading towards Furze Platt and following byways south from North Town near York Stream and the Green Way into the top of Maidenhead.

Lisa Matthews

27 Apr 2021 (edited 27 Jun 2023) Spring

This route is a little more than the 7 miles quoted and there is quite a steep climb through the woods. It has been extremely dry recently so the ground was easy to negotiate, but after rain some of the paths would have been too muddy for it to be a pleasant walk. The directions were fairly good although we were not sure about the GPS positioning just before The Hocketts in Fultness Wood. The Golden Ball Pub is about half way round and this is closely followed by The Pinkneys Arms, both (usually) serving food. We felt that the route was not as direct as it could have been from crossing the A4 at Maidenhead Thicket into the town centre. The route is not suitable for cyclists or wheelchairs.

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Marlmai two




112 m


115 m

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