
Maiasc one
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By Mary Oz on 31 Aug 2022







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This is a desk-designed route between Maidenhead and Ascot

This is a desk-designed route between Maidenhead and Ascot


This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SU8903381171
Lat / Lon 51.52245° / -0.71810°
Easting / Northing 489,033E / 181,171N
What3Words prop.brings.cure
Grid Ref SU9223768794
Lat / Lon 51.41068° / -0.67517°
Easting / Northing 492,237E / 168,794N
What3Words youth.curve.buddy

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Petr Sadilek

08 Jun 2023 Spring

The route heads out of Ascot along racecourse stands and via a large roundabout after which it turns into a quiet neighborhood. You might be forgiven for missing a narrow footpath off Kennel Avenue but it is just a shortcut. It then follows next to a church and a primary school on the left. A gate at the end of Coach Road is on the first attached photo.

Walking towards Winkfield Row is on a pavement which ends when you turn to Braziers Lane. There is often no edge to step aside to but on the other hand, the traffic is not too heavy, visibility good and cars are not driving too fast. Reflective clothing would be helpful in the dark. A turning off Braziers Lane is on the second photo below.

At Winkfield, you need to take a turning via a churchyard. It is shown on the third photo below.

The next stretch of the route leads via quiet narrow roads and lanes until it emerges at a busy Drift Road. The following bit is problematic. When it reaches the Mount Skippets Farm, the route is blocked as shown on the fourth photo below. I climbed over the gate but I can't recommend it to anyone else. From what I see on the map it should be possible to go away from the gate and round the Mount Skippets Farm instead.

When you cross Forest Green, an entry through a hedge is concealed and easy to overlook. I took a photo of it. See the marked footpath on the right on the fifth photograph. After some 150m walking along a hedge, you need to turn right but there seemed to be no path visible on the ground. I was walking across a freshly mowed meadow. The last stretch before Bray Wick was fairly pleasant. The path leads through a high grass and it would soak shoes quickly if dew or raindrops were still on it. Walking through Bray Wick is on pavements and easy to follow.

The last enjoyable part of the route is through Braywick Park in Maidenhead and it continues along a canal to the town center.

Most of the route is under a canopy of trees and therefore cooling on a hot day.

  • Mary Oz

    Mary Oz

    09 Jun 2023

    Glad it mostly worked. Thank you. That locked gate should be reported on the local council website if it is blocking a public right of way. Hopefully they would sort it, and the route would then be viable.

  • Petr Sadilek

    Petr Sadilek

    25 Jun 2023

    A response from Maidenhead Parks and Countryside Access Officer is that the gate in question "is the private access to the farm and is not part of the public right of way". When I was walking Maiasc two today, I checked that the paved route around Mount Skippets Farm is passable and there are even waymarks at the beginning and end of the way round the farm which means the gate can be avoided. I'm not sure whether a new route should be drawn or whether this comment is enough.

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