This is a Slow Ways route connecting Lordshill and Eastleigh.
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Lordshill and Eastleigh.
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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.
This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to accuracy.
Photos for Loreas one
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 1
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Is this route good enough? - No (1)
Problems reported - Accuracy (1)
Downloads - 7
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
50.94117° / -1.44940°
Easting / Northing
438,781E / 115,893N
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
50.96915° / -1.35030°
Easting / Northing
445,716E / 119,061N
Loreas One's land is
Lordshill | |
Grid Ref | SU3878115893 |
Lat / Lon | 50.94117° / -1.44940° |
Easting / Northing | 438,781E / 115,893N |
What3Words | punk.sand.deflection |
Eastleigh | |
Grid Ref | SU4571619061 |
Lat / Lon | 50.96915° / -1.35030° |
Easting / Northing | 445,716E / 119,061N |
What3Words | minds.bend.body |
Urban | 85.8% |
Woods | 14.2% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
11 Sep 2022This is a 2-star route because I felt two sections required workarounds. I walked Eastleigh to Lordshill.
For the most part, this route was pretty nice - quiet roads and wooded areas. There was some road walking, but it felt safe to me, and there was one loud road (pavement) section, which was along Winchester Road by ASDA. It's unavoidable but doesn't last too long.
There very few barriers - only one (kissing) gate that I noticed - and there are dropped kerbs in most places. Where there isn't a dropped kerb, you should be able to go a few metres down the path to find one. The terrain is a combination of pavement and rougher gravel/dirt paths. The latter can be somewhat narrow. The route passes next to a golf course.
The first of the two diversions is around ASDA, which the route suggests you can bypass by going around the back of ASDA via the B&Q headquarters car park. Aside from signs at B&Q saying no pedestrians, I could not find a path there, nor from going around the back of ASDA itself. Instead, I turned right on Chestnut Avenue and cut through the ASDA car park.
The second diversion is on the approach into Lordshill. The route suggests you should walk along Lord's Hill Way and then cut across to Tangmere Drive. In theory it is possible to walk on the grass verge, but I'm not convinced about getting from there to Tangmere Drive because Lord's Hill Way is elevated. I walked the route on a Saturday, and that road was very busy. If you chose the wrong side of the road to walk on and the cross, I imagine it could end badly. In my opinion, of course. I did not walk that part and instead took the much safer footpaths that surround that main road.
I may create an alternative route, but first it would be good to hear from anyone who has walked this who may point out something I missed.
All in all, I did enjoy my walk. Most of it was pleasant and I would walk it again with a better-marked route.
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