KenningtonLondon Bridge Station

Kenlon one
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 80.00% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Kennington and London Bridge Station.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Kennington and London Bridge Station.

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This route has been reviewed by 5 people.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to safety.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 5

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

Downloads - 1


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ3115777585
Lat / Lon 51.48202° / -0.11256°
Easting / Northing 531,157E / 177,585N
What3Words listed.inch.tins
London Bridge Station
Grid Ref TQ3290080170
Lat / Lon 51.50485° / -0.08651°
Easting / Northing 532,900E / 180,170N
What3Words fires.spun.sprint

Kenlon One's land is

Urban 100.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



26 Apr 2024 Spring

I walked from Brixton to London Bridge.
Proper Slow Way, Direct and interesting. Okay there were some monotonous road parts but there was also so many things to see. People and places to stop and view.
Buildings and history, old and new. And it gets you there, easy to navigate.
Wheel friendly, flat with the usual street furniture obstacles.


18 Jun 2023 Spring

Very poor route on all main roads. Functional for getting a to b, but not a proper slow ways route.


06 May 2022 Spring

I walked this route from London Bridge to Kennington, and I actually ended up really enjoying it.

There's some notable London landmarks on the route, including Borough Market, Elephant & Castle, Mercato Metropolitano, etc. There's a couple lovely parks, including Kennington Park. The route offers a really interesting opportunity to watch the city develop as you pass through extremely diverse neighbourhoods undergoing rapid change all at once.

The route is direct, accessible, safe, and it follows wide pavements. It kept my interest the whole way, and I was very pleased, in the end.

Intrepid Rabbit

03 Apr 2022 Spring

I walked this from London Bridge to Kennington. I really didn't enjoy this walk very much. It does the job of getting from A to B, it is flat and easy to follow, but the route is entirely along main roads. Towards the end I nipped into Kennington Park and took a path that runs parallel with the road - a definite improvement! The other thing to note if you are not familiar with this part of London, is that the Kennington end of the route is at Oval tube station NOT Kennington tube station which is part of the way along the route.


25 Apr 2021 Spring

This direct route takes you via many nice Kennington pubs, through the Elephant and Castle, and up Borough High Street towards Borough Market. You get to see the brilliant diversity of architecture found in South London, with plane-tree bordered high streets leading up to the busy gateway of Zone 1, and finishing at the impressive Shard and London Bridge station.

The route is flat, well-serviced (many cafes, bars and shops) and safe - with the exception of there being heavy traffic around the Elephant and Castle roundabout.

Pavements are flat and there is little elevation, so this route should be accessible to wheelchair users. There are multiple busses leading along this route.

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