
Helfal one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Helston and Falmouth.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Helston and Falmouth.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

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Downloads - 17


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref SW6593727488
Lat / Lon 50.10125° / -5.27447°
Easting / Northing 165,937E / 27,488N
What3Words petition.husky.lawyer
Grid Ref SW8072932988
Lat / Lon 50.15629° / -5.07111°
Easting / Northing 180,729E / 32,988N
What3Words shine.whips.globe

Helfal One's land is

Arable 58.3%
Pasture 9.0%
Urban 23.2%
Woods 9.5%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Andrew Davies

18 Jun 2023 Spring

This is a very nice route, also recommended in summer! It is a mix of off-road and country lanes, with the last part following the coast and so having very good signs from the South West Coast Path. Gweek has a good village shop.

Paul Haines

01 Mar 2022 Winter

A lovely varied walk on a fine day, although being in the winter months there were times when one had to avoid puddles and on occasion, slurry, close to at least two farms. A farmer suggested wellington boots would have been better!
A number of footpaths aren't signed and an OS Map is necessary. There are a mixture of footpaths and minor roads to walk and occasional places where one has to be careful with traffic on roads.
Interestingly, having walked in a direction from Helston to Falmouth, there were more footpath signs better suited to walking from Falmouth!
Good facilities in Helston, especially the Coffee Hut, also in Greek and Constantine, including The Potager Garden at High Cross.
There are obvious limits for those that can't manage stone and wooden stiles and some fields occasionally contain cows.
One section close to Mellangoose had a metal gate that was padlocked and had to be climbed over.
This route differs from the other two routes from Helston to Falmouth with the section close to Falmouth using the South West Coast Path.

  • paulcooper


    21 Apr 2022

    Gweek not Greek. Probably autocorrect caught you out.

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Helfal two




506 m


470 m


Helfal three




473 m


438 m

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