This is a Slow Ways route connecting Guildford and Ripley (Surrey).
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Guildford and Ripley (Surrey).
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This route has been reviewed by 4 people.
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Photos for Guirip one
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 4
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Is this route good enough? - Yes (4)
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Downloads - 10
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
51.23667° / -0.58014°
Easting / Northing
499,219E / 149,568N
Ripley (Surrey)
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
51.30044° / -0.49231°
Easting / Northing
505,205E / 156,781N
Guirip One's land is
Guildford | |
Grid Ref | SU9921949568 |
Lat / Lon | 51.23667° / -0.58014° |
Easting / Northing | 499,219E / 149,568N |
What3Words | shall.swift.calculating |
Ripley (Surrey) | |
Grid Ref | TQ0520556781 |
Lat / Lon | 51.30044° / -0.49231° |
Easting / Northing | 505,205E / 156,781N |
What3Words | dips.pillow.ants |
Green urban | 11.4% |
Pasture | 54.0% |
Urban | 25.6% |
Woods | 9.0% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
Tallulah P
21 Jul 2023Calming walk that takes you all along the canal which is fairly accessible and pretty. It very long though and requires commitment and preparation.
06 Jul 2023Very pleasant walk, flat and easy to navigate. Just a shame that the only pub along the route is on the wrong side of the canal!.
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Jane Taylor
17 Feb 2023** small correction required at Guildford Station for safe access - see map with correct route and photo of ‘no pedestrian’ sign, which is what you will see - for good reason - if you try going the way this is routed**
Often I’ll make a new route option for even a tiny change like this one, however I’m trying a new approach which hopefully will be as effective, and keeps the review already done in place. Would be great to have ‘versioning’, which would allow small tweaks without having to make a new route option. Meanwhile ….
Otherwise - a very good route, follows the Wey navigation between Guildford and Send, then across farmland and woods to Ripley. Yes it winds around a bit but this is Slow Ways.
Walked Guildford to Ripley. One or two slightly soggy places, but not too bad for winter and riverside. Several locks but little boating activity.
Send - a small village with a busy B road - is about 2/3 of the way. No refreshments visible from the route, there may be some a bit further afield. There are bus stops so a good drop out point if wanted. The traffic on the short stretch of Tannery Lane, which I was obliged to share space with, was bad tempered and relentless, no idea why as it doesn’t go anywhere much.
Approaching Ripley, where the footpath from Ripley pond connects with the B367, there is a choice between crossing with poor visibility of on-coming traffic, or using stiles and a short path to reach a better visibility crossing point. Have put in photos.
I used the shopping centre by the A3 at Guildford for refreshments, after that there isn’t really anything until Ripley unless you go off piste at Send and get lucky. A few benches on the way were also very welcome.
All in all highly recommended.
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13 Jun 2021Pleasant walk along the Wey Navigations - looking out over lots of green - and then through farmland, woodland and along a lake. A short bit of the Wey Navigations is located right next to a highway, which you cannot see but you can hear - fortunately this doesn't take very long. The route has very little road walking, where it does it's very brief and on quiet village roads. As you get to Ripley, just after Papercourt Lake, there are two stiles but these can be avoided. The route passes by Ripley's farmers market on Saturdays.
13 Jun 2021I forgot to add: At the start in Guildford there is a brief diversion as the Wey Navigations towpath is closed for works. Continue walking along Walnut Tree Close parallel to the towpath for about 150 yards, where the diversion ends and you can access the towpath again (via 2-3 steps). For step-free access to the towpath, the diversion continues along Walnut Tree Close for a while longer; in this case the towpath can be reached shortly before the railway bridge over the Wey.
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