FromeMaiden Bradley

Fromai one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Frome and Maiden Bradley.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Frome and Maiden Bradley.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref ST7764948039
Lat / Lon 51.23109° / -2.32149°
Easting / Northing 377,649E / 148,039N
What3Words gangs.mull.truth
Maiden Bradley
Grid Ref ST8015838842
Lat / Lon 51.14848° / -2.28505°
Easting / Northing 380,158E / 138,842N
What3Words wand.answers.voltage

Fromai One's land is

Arable 10.9%
Pasture 61.4%
Urban 19.7%
Woods 8.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Tim Ryan

13 Mar 2024 Winter

The section of route between Honingsham and the house and so between Honingsham and leaving the park at Cole Hill is, according to the estate not accessible on foot, although a Sustrans trail and part of the Wiltshire Cycle way. you need to be on a cycle. Fromai (two) is a good option.


18 Jul 2021 Summer

Good Slow Way with varied terrain and scenery.

I walked Frome -> Maiden Bradley. I loved the vibrant market street in Frome as a starting point. Fun to walk through and explore (when open!).

The segment along the A362 is short enough, and after a steep uphill segment after the Slow Way route turns towards Frome Station, there's a long stretch of path along the River. This path is VERY overgrown in parts, and often overgrown with stinging plants! In other places, the path was a bit muddy or had low-hanging trees. The main obstacle, though, was the stinging plants!

Approaching Feltham Lane, there were many people out and some dogs, too, and the open fields were easier for walking and beautiful! The path isn't totally aligned with what exists on the map, but it's not too difficult to figure out how to go.

Approaching the B3092 the path goes through a succession of fields (and gates), and the last field had several cows in it. I was nervous to walk through but they didn't mind me at all.

The stretch between Vinney Lane and St. Katherine's church was difficult. For much of it, the path was a bit difficult to follow, but I just generally headed in the direction I expected and made it through. In other segments, the path was very overgrown (again with stinging plants!). Walking along the B3092 wasn't extremely pleasant, but it was short enough. I did see several deer out in these fields!

The stretch through Longleat was a bit surreal, because it totally felt like I was trespassing on a paid attraction, but I really don't think I was. I didn't pass through any closed gates, and no one stopped me. Really cool to see the house up close!

Horningsham looked lovely, and a huge sign offering "COLD PINTS" on a very hot day was very attractive to me...

Where the Slow Way route goes up Pottle Street a little bit before heading back into the field, just continue straight across and don't go up Pottle Street - there's no path there!

Road walking into Maiden Bradley was perfectly pleasant.

Overall, a good route, but the couple difficult navigation spots and overgrown paths made it tough to give it anything above three stars!.

  • Tim Ryan

    Tim Ryan

    13 Mar 2024

    Hi Mike, I hope you are well. Thanks for this review very comprehensive. Sounds like a good walk. Unfortunately your feelings about walking through the private estate are not without foundation. It appears that Longleat do not allow access on foot on what are Sustrans trails. Only on a bicycle. Needs further research, but thats the line just now. Fortunately Fromai two, does look a good option.

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Frome—Maiden Bradley

Fromai two




271 m


144 m

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