Crystal PalaceCatford

Crycat one
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 80.00% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Crystal Palace and Catford.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Crystal Palace and Catford.

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This route has been reviewed by 5 people.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Problems reported -  Accuracy (1)

Downloads - 10


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Crystal Palace
Grid Ref TQ3409270532
Lat / Lon 51.41795° / -0.07299°
Easting / Northing 534,092E / 170,532N
What3Words spell.track.acting
Grid Ref TQ3728073527
Lat / Lon 51.44410° / -0.02602°
Easting / Northing 537,280E / 173,527N
What3Words seat.wire.stuff

Crycat One's land is

Green urban 21.3%
Urban 78.7%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Daisy C

28 Nov 2023 (edited 30 Jan 2024) Autumn

This is a lovely walk (reviewed in Nov 2023) but following it using the gpx file has some problems as Tim and the other reviews said. I think the line has been offset about 50m roughly southwest, except around Crystal Palace. I've just uploaded a new version which fixes that (Jan 2024). There are two tiny changes, it uses the safe foot tunnel under the South Circular and explains where the entrance is hidden and, for the joy of it, takes a tiny, signposted detour to see the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs which the majority of reviewers did anyhow. I hope they will add their reviews on the new route.

Tim Ryan

18 Jun 2022 Spring

I agree with the comments from previous reviewers. The section between Lower Sydenham and Lower Beckenham is not clear using the gpx line. I just followed the sustrans signs at this point, through an industrial estate with heavy traffic moving around in different durections. Otherwise the route is very good along the river and easy to follow.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    30 Jan 2024

    Hello Tim. I've just uploaded a new version of CryCat which has fixed the gpx line problem. Would you mind adding a review? It's a lovely walk and it would be good to get the easier version verified for future walkers. Thank you. Daisy

  • Tim Ryan

    Tim Ryan

    14 Feb 2024

    Will do. Just checked it on the map - looks good.

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Intrepid Rabbit

26 Mar 2022 Spring

I walked this route from Catford to Crystal Palace. Initially I had a problem finding the beginning as the purple line on the Slow Ways map had it going through some buildings and infact the line was some way to the left of the actual route for some distance. However, once I was on the path I was delighted to discover a well signposted green walk well away from traffic. Very peaceful and with good paths and street lighting, although I'm not sure how safe I'd feel walking this route after dark. On a sunny spring day it was wonderful! There was one part of the walk by Lower Sydenham station where the map implied that there was a nice path with trees but in fact there was a (quiet) road through an industrial estate but there was another path eventually. Reached Crystal Palace Park about ten minutes before its official closing time but was able to walk though it.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    30 Jan 2024

    Hello Teeds. I've just uploaded a new version of this Slow Way which is nearly identical and I wondered if you could copy your review over there, except maybe not all of it as that the new version has fixed the navigation issues you mention. The original GPX line was somehow offset, about 50m sometimes. It's a lovely walk and it would be good to get it verified so that future walkers can navigate it with ease. Thank you. Daisy

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    30 Jan 2024

    The wrong name! Sorry Intrepid Rabbit, the comment entry box is very small and I missed that.

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26 Sep 2021 Autumn

An easy route which starts and ends well, but the middle section is unremarkable.

The route starts at Crystal Palace Station and proceeds downhill, past the National Sports Centre, to the famous Dinosaur Park. Take any path around the lake to see the amazing - and innacurate - Victorian sculptures. After the dinosaurs, about half a mile into the route, there is a cafe and public toilets.

After leaving Crystal Palace Park, the route continues briefly along Penge High Street. Then after crossing the footbridge at Penge East Station, the way continues along Lennard Road for about half a mile.

On Lennard Road look out for the path (signposted Sustrans Route 21), which is after the large grey building, not before. It follows the River Pool a short way before diverting onto Kangley Bridge Road. After passing through the industrial estate, follow the signs for Waterlink Way to go down to Lower Sydenham Station, then along a path which emerges on Farmbridge Close. After crossing the busy road outside the Railway Tavern, the route rejoins the River Pool Linear Park and follows this section of the Waterlink Way to Catford, crossing the river five times to stick to the concrete path. If you're lucky you might see a kingfisher.

Apart from the middle section, this is a pleasant Slow Way. It passes three stations between Crystal Palace and Catford Bridge - all on different lines, providing plenty of opportunities for onward travel.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    30 Jan 2024

    Hello Teeds. I've just uploaded a new version of this Slow Way which is nearly identical and I wondered if you could cut and paste your review over there, except for the bit about the turning by the building on Lennard Rd. That is the difference, the original GPX line is somehow offset from where it should be. Sometimes 50m off and/or pointing the wrong way at path junctions. It's a lovely walk and it would be good to get it verified so that future walkers can navigate it with ease. Thank you. Daisy

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S J Blann

09 May 2021 Spring

This starts very pleasantly from the relatively recently restored station and you will see a painted mural directing you "to the dinosaurs" - installed as part of the Crystal Palace Park developed alongside the relocated great Exhibition "Crystal Palace". the path takes you past the dinosaurs and the lake to the Penge gate and onto busy Penge High St - there is a new pedestrian crossing here.

you then turn left and take side streets to Penge East station. you will need to cross the railway by the footbridge - shared with the station but you do not need a ticket. (If you are unable to use stirs continue along Penge High Street from the Park and take Penge Lane.)

Once over the railway walk down Lennard Road un til you reach some schools and Cator Park. take the alleyway on the left here. This is Waterlink Way, Part of Sustrans NCN route 21 and you will be following its route all the way to Catford.

You are alongside the Pool river with a mixture of chanelisation and more open stream along the route.

after a short while you emerge onto Kangley Bridge Road - lined by industrial estates. halfway along Kangley Bridge Road you will see Lower Sydenham Station - veer to the right here to follow the Waterlink Way, not continuing on the road. After a while you come to the very busy Southend Lane and the route continues on the other side of the road. Take care as there is no controlled crossing.

You then follow the railway line and river through Pool River Linear Park to Catford - this is shared with CATBRO and - Randonneur's review of CATBRO describes the river and route very well.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    30 Jan 2024

    Hello S J Blann. I've just uploaded a new version of this Slow Way which is nearly identical and I wondered if you could cut and paste your review over there. The difference is in the GPX line which somehow is offset from where it should be. Sometimes 50m off and/or pointing the wrong way at junctions. It's a lovely walk and it would be good to get it verified so that future walkers can navigate it with ease. Thank you. Daisy

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Crystal Palace—Catford

Crycat two




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