Corhampton — Petersfield
Corpet one
Slow Way not verified yet. Verify Corpet here.
Slow Way not verified yet. Verify Corpet here.
By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021
This is a Slow Ways route connecting Corhampton and Petersfield.
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Corhampton and Petersfield.
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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 2
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Is this route good enough? - Yes (2)
There are currently no problems reported with this route.
Downloads - 7
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
50.97948° / -1.13117°
Easting / Northing
461,089E / 120,368N
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
51.00413° / -0.93793°
Easting / Northing
474,615E / 123,286N
Corpet One's land is
Corhampton | |
Grid Ref | SU6108920368 |
Lat / Lon | 50.97948° / -1.13117° |
Easting / Northing | 461,089E / 120,368N |
What3Words | |
Petersfield | |
Grid Ref | SU7461523286 |
Lat / Lon | 51.00413° / -0.93793° |
Easting / Northing | 474,615E / 123,286N |
What3Words | firewall.listen.clipped |
Arable | 24.9% |
Pasture | 60.3% |
Urban | 14.7% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
23 Apr 2023I really enjoyed this route. I ran it one late April spring morning.
If I'm honest I'm not sure why it starts at Corhampton as there doesn't seem to be much there except a pub and reasonably well stocked Post Office, and the only way to the start was to be dropped off by my husband.
However most of the route is very good, although there are a lot of stiles so probably not so good if you are on a bike.
The first chunk follows some of the South Down Way, so it was easy to follow the signage, you just have to watch out for when to turn off.
I didn't realise at the time but the part after Old Winchester Hill where you join the road (Hayden Lane?) actually has a footpath inside the Old Winchester Hill boundary which I could have used.
I also found that the byway at Ramsdean was closed to all except pedestrians (spring 2023), and was pretty bad under foot.
Once you are in Petersfield there is a train station, many buses, toilets and lots of places to find food and drink.
This was a nice route and I'd be happy to do it again.
26 Nov 2021An outstanding route, passing over Old Winchester Hill. Great views more or less throughout. Very close to the route I would have suggested.
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