Cobham (Elmbridge)Oxshott

Coboxs two
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By TC on 07 Jun 2021







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This is a reasonable route between Cobham and Oxshott. It is mostly traffic free and on footpaths. The crossings of Leigh Hill Rd and of Fairmile Rd are both a bit limited in visibility and can be difficult

This is a reasonable route between Cobham and Oxshott. It is mostly traffic free and on footpaths. The crossings of Leigh Hill Rd and of Fairmile Rd are both a bit limited in visibility and can be difficult


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Cobham (Elmbridge)
Grid Ref TQ1080560098
Lat / Lon 51.32919° / -0.41098°
Easting / Northing 510,805E / 160,098N
What3Words brands.tiny.traps
Grid Ref TQ1458360517
Lat / Lon 51.33221° / -0.35665°
Easting / Northing 514,583E / 160,517N
What3Words cakes.ranks.pints

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



14 May 2024 Spring

(Walked in reverse order) Another “victim of geography” in my eyes, meaning that, for all the the best intentions of the Slow Ways project to link all the settlements together using the most scenic routes possible, some villages and towns are connected almost exclusively by residential roads and paths. Fortunately, this one is better than most, and I give it a pass for three reasons. Firstly, most of the roads either have pavements, or are private, gated roads with very little traffic. Secondly, the majority of the route goes through quiet, green and very affluent neighbourhoods, making it pleasant all the same. Thirdly, I don’t see how you could make a similarly direct route which avoids these issues altogether. There is a long stretch of narrow, fenced footpath in between houses and gardens, bisecting a number of roads. No access issues from what I could tell; the path is mostly concrete and Earth, no kissing gates or stiles, and an interesting historical billboard about the local area (see picture). Walked in about 50 minutes. Overall, a solid if unspectacular addition to the Slow Ways network which I’d be happy to recommend, but definitely a functional one; don’t go in with high expectations!.


08 Jul 2023 Summer

A straightforward walk between Cobham centre and Oxshott (I used the station). Much of the footpaths are between fences so no views. There is no need to divert off Littleheath Road (as in Coboxs one) as the pavement is continuous. To reach the station instead of Oxshott village just continue straight on along the heath.

Derick Rethans

18 Jun 2023 Spring

I walked this on a warm, slightly haze morning, from Oxshott (station) to Cobham. It had not rained significantly for several weeks.

It is a quite reasonable route. I missed the bit between the start at Oxshott and the station, but I have walked that with other routes so I know it's fine. The best part is through the woods at Oxshott itself (photo #1). Then there are some paths along residential roads (photo #2). Lots of the footpaths in this short route are however hemmed in by fences, from Fairmile Lane to Cedar Road, which is less nice (photos #4, #5, #6, #7, #8). The paths were well kept and not overgrown, which I sort of expected to be the case. The only slightly hairy point was actually crossing Fairmile Lane, and being confronted with a big gate (#photo 3) — it's a public footpath, but no cycling or driving. The clock tower at Cobham marks the finish.

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Cobham (Elmbridge)—Oxshott

Coboxs one




61 m


21 m

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