
Clivtod one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Cliviger and Todmorden.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Cliviger and Todmorden.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Route status - Live

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Problems reported -  Access (1)

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SD8651629963
Lat / Lon 53.76585° / -2.20603°
Easting / Northing 386,516E / 429,963N
What3Words crust.hits.fees
Grid Ref SD9356224176
Lat / Lon 53.71398° / -2.09902°
Easting / Northing 393,562E / 424,176N
What3Words garden.allowable.bloodshot

Clivtod One's land is

Moors 16.9%
Natural grass 18.9%
Pasture 48.8%
Urban 8.6%
Woods 6.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Mary Oz

09 Jul 2023 Summer

We walked about 60% of this route, starting from Todmorden, before giving up, partly due to the extreme heat that day, but also because we were encountering difficulties in the track by this stage.
We headed up the very steep but quiet road from Todmorden Station, with a couple of diversions through fields which were pleasant and didn’t add distance. The views behind us were excellent, including of the monument on Stoodley Pike. The entrance to the second field crossing (just below Todmorden Edge) was a ridiculously narrow stone gap stile with a metal pole in the middle of it. There followed a long section along Parkin Lane/Tower Causeway, which was quiet, with great views, but rather wearing on the feet!
Some hairpin bends took us down to the village of Portsmouth, where we stopped for a refreshing drink at a strange old pub. We left Portsmouth over a level crossing. I got excited because I was allowed to press the button to lower the traffic barriers after a local resident had driven through!
The walk through fields to the fishing pond was reasonably straightforward, but where the public right of way was due to leave the north-west corner of the pond, it was completely fenced off with no indication of where the footpath was. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture here. We ended up backtracking and climbing over a gate into a field where we followed what looked like a fairly well-used bit of footpath nearer to the railway line, until we rejoined the plotted route soon after.
After this is was very difficult to see our route on the ground. It was all a bit vague. We found a human size gate, but it was jammed closed, so we climbed over it. We clambered uphill near to the wall (to avoid cows) from FB towards the base of Riddle Scout. It was at this point, with the prospect of more steep, rough climbing, in the extreme heat, that we called it a day.
I have plotted an alternative, using the other side of the A646 through the Cliviger Gorge, but I’m not going to upload it until I’ve tested it!.

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