Clapham JunctionChelsea

Clache one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Clapham Junction and Chelsea.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Clapham Junction and Chelsea.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Clapham Junction
Grid Ref TQ2722275385
Lat / Lon 51.46315° / -0.16999°
Easting / Northing 527,222E / 175,385N
What3Words laptop.frosted.daisy
Grid Ref TQ2718378065
Lat / Lon 51.48724° / -0.16959°
Easting / Northing 527,183E / 178,065N
What3Words certified.motion.dart

Clache One's land is

Urban 93.0%
Water 7.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Laura Haigh

20 Apr 2023 Spring

Start was very residential but likely unavoidable. I did get a bit confsrd trying to find the route to walk under the train track. Battersea park was lovely as was the walk over the Thames.


03 Aug 2022 Summer

I walked this route from Chelsea to Clapham Junction. The route is easy to follow, interesting, and enjoyable. I always love walking across Albert Bridge - it's a beautiful bridge. It was nice to cut through Battersea Park too. All in all, a good route!.


24 Jul 2022 Summer

A route that goes through fairly busy parts of London, but since these are quite vibrant areas, it's expected and I'm not sure there are better alternatives. The Albert Bridge is a beautiful bridge, so it's quite nice to cross it before you go into Battersea Park. The crossing isn't great here, but once in the park, it is much better and more relaxing. Overall, probably one of the best routes between the two places, so giving it a 4.


23 Jul 2022 Summer

I walked this route from Chelsea to Clapham Junction. This is a route of good bits and less good bits, but in sum it is a great walk.

I loved crossing the Thames on the Albert Bridge, and I loved walking through Battersea Park. The short stretch through Falcon and Shillington Park was quite lovely as well. Kersley Mews was a sleeper hit of the walk, too!

That said, there were a few larger roads that were less pleasant to walk along, and especially the underpass under the rail lines just around the station was pretty unwelcoming for walkers.

Overall, a great route I was really pleased with, just can't quite give it five stars!.

John Pestle

06 May 2022 Spring

Lots of traffic on parts of this route but also lots of interesting diversions. Battersea Park is pleasant and some small diversions move the walker away from the traffic. Lots of blue plaques on the on the way to King’s Road.

David Sanderson

10 Mar 2022 Winter

A really enjoyable route which I started at Clapham Junction. The route goes down St John's Hill then turns left along the A3027 which goes under the railway line by underpass. The route leaves the main road to go through Falcon Park which was a nice touch. Reemerging in Battersea it takes you through a mews and then via a series of crossings into Battersea Park. This was my highlight of the walk with its views towards the Power Station. The park is well used and friendly. At the end you use the Albert Bridge to cross the Thames and then go down Oakley Street into Chelsea. The meeting place is on the Kings Road. This is a great Slow Way, direct and safe, whilst making the best of the available greenspace. Being London, there are plenty of eateries, shops and pubs on the route. An interesting and pleasant walk.


13 Oct 2021 Autumn

Works nicely as published, we used it to get to Chelsea. The portion through Battersea Park is a pleasant leafy stroll, though autumn colours are showing. There are a couple of pubs on the South side of the river, but they were all closed until mid-afternoon.

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