Chadwell St MaryStanford-le-Hope

Chasta one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Chadwell St Mary and Stanford-le-Hope.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Chadwell St Mary and Stanford-le-Hope.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to safety.

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

Downloads - 8


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Chadwell St Mary
Grid Ref TQ6453778519
Lat / Lon 51.48170° / 0.36819°
Easting / Northing 564,537E / 178,519N
What3Words goods.oppose.rear
Grid Ref TQ6822282281
Lat / Lon 51.51441° / 0.42300°
Easting / Northing 568,222E / 182,281N
What3Words pints.begun.rift

Chasta One's land is

Arable 49.3%
Other 11.3%
Pasture 3.2%
Urban 36.2%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Daisy C

08 Jan 2024 Winter

Unfortunately this route is blocked in 2 places. First traversable with difficulty navigating and gloves plus secateurs required for the many brambles. Which I luckily had with me, warned by lack of use on Strava heat maps! Second was impenetrable thorny thicket beyond a stile. The amount of pruning time was prohibitive and it looked like thorny species. There is also walking across a muddy field with unrestored path Possibly due to extreme wet weather but tyre tracks elsewhere and difficulty traversing adjacent sections casts doubt on this. Plus unpleasant/unsafe road walking which I looked at then avoided using obvious, if unwelcoming, footpaths. And later a new off road shortcut where a golf course has been converted to public parkland. Went well off course and used this too as the route had truly failed already.

See small map for locations, although the text labels need some interpretation as positioning stretched on saving the screenshot.

Flag raised for safety - the road walking. Blockages are potentially fixable.

Along the way I found some fascinating jewel brain fungus, a sand martin colony and Cladonia lichen population which balanced out the frustration. Will post an alternative route, which also has imperfections but was usable with care and determination.

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Chadwell St Mary—Stanford-le-Hope

Chasta two




37 m


61 m

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