Burton upon TrentMelbourne (South Derbyshire)

Burmel one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Burton upon Trent and Melbourne (South Derbyshire).

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Burton upon Trent and Melbourne (South Derbyshire).

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Problems reported -  Access (1) Accuracy (1)

Downloads - 13


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Burton upon Trent
Grid Ref SK2421323239
Lat / Lon 52.80618° / -1.64226°
Easting / Northing 424,213E / 323,239N
What3Words juices.thinks.congratulations
Melbourne (South Derbyshire)
Grid Ref SK3862125185
Lat / Lon 52.82284° / -1.42831°
Easting / Northing 438,621E / 325,185N
What3Words backpack.bitter.coaster

Burmel One's land is

Arable 44.5%
Pasture 6.4%
Urban 26.9%
Woods 22.2%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



12 Dec 2021 Autumn

This route is longer by 2 miles than Burmel2 and is not accurately plotted leading to some difficult navigation decisions or failure to make the correct decision especially around Carver's Rocks where there are many paths not shown on the maps. While I had the benefit of an OS base map to consult it should be possible to follow a Slow Way without additional information. As reported in the earlier review there is an issue at the west end of Staunton Harold Reservoir. Notices make clear, correctly, that the track is not recorded as public. I turned right along Broadstone Lane then left onto Melbourne FP34, this becomes Ticknall FP30 and users deviate from the correct line to meet the plotted route along Ticknall FP1 which has been incorrectly fenced along the field edge. The DCC mapping portal has a further twist in that the track with 'No Public Access' notices is officially recorded as a proposed cycle route, time may improve access in this location. To view a larger map, right click on picture then select open image in new tab.

I enjoyed the walk, passing two reservoirs and their facilities plus the interest of Carver's Rocks, a small detour to Hangman's Stone, Bretby Castle and some good views, even on a misty December day. This route could be tweaked to offer improvements but because it does not meet the Slow Ways criteria there is little point in adding yet another route that would inevitably be another leisure walk.

David Sanderson

12 Dec 2021 Autumn

As Ken's review details, there is a section of this walk that is not accessible to the public. I will post a walkable version as the route is not completely without merit.

  • Lynn Jackson

    Lynn Jackson

    12 Dec 2021

    My interpretation of the sign was no vehicles, the footpath beyond is properly signposted and the stiles have been maintained. Possibly this sign should be reported to the Derbyshire Rights of Way Access Officer?

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Lynn Jackson

26 Nov 2021 (edited 15 Dec 2021) Autumn

Burmel One is a winding route that takes in both Staunton Harold and Foremark Reservoirs. It is pretty as a stand-alone walk for its own sake, but it is too long and meandering to be considered a through route between Burton-on-Trent and Melbourne. Burmel Two is a straighter and shorter route for this purpose.

I walked from Melbourne in a westerly direction. The route is in good condition with 2 easy stiles and no serious obstacles.

The Fortey’s café opposite the Melbourne meeting point is an excellent way to begin the day! (Photo 1)

From Melbourne the route heads south on the B587 for a short way before heading south-west onto footpaths around Staunton Harold Reservoir. As you reach the westerly point of the reservoir, the route says to follow a footpath across a field of crops. The farmer says otherwise and there is a signed footpath 30 metres ahead that you follow. This takes you across a private drive and back onto the path that you follow into Ticknall.

You will cross the A514 onto a pavement and walk for a short way, before turning right (photo 2) to walk up to the Village Hall (photo 3); there are toilets here. The gate opposite the toilets (photo 4) puts you onto the National Forest Way.

At Hangman’s Stone (photo 5 – the stone is a little further along one of the paths not used on this route).

Foremark Reservoir (photo 6). The views are slightly spoilt by the 2 metre metal fencing put up all around the reservoir. There are toilets and a coffee shop here.

Photo 7 shows the National Forest Way looking over Hartshorne.

Be aware that the roads around Bretby do not have pavements – you will need to walk on verges until you get to the houses near Oldicote Farm.

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Burton upon Trent—Melbourne (South Derbyshire)

Burmel two







Burton upon Trent—Melbourne (South Derbyshire)

Burmel three




563 m


545 m

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