BugleSt Blazey

Bugstb one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Bugle and St Blazey.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Bugle and St Blazey.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SX0166759301
Lat / Lon 50.40003° / -4.79217°
Easting / Northing 201,667E / 59,301N
What3Words items.clotting.strictest
St Blazey
Grid Ref SX0689654788
Lat / Lon 50.36123° / -4.71636°
Easting / Northing 206,896E / 54,788N
What3Words tender.gazes.published

Bugstb One's land is

Arable 10.6%
Moors 5.2%
Other 10.3%
Other agricultural land 6.0%
Pasture 13.6%
Urban 19.8%
Woods 34.6%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



09 Sep 2022 Summer

I walked this route from St Blazey. This is a beautiful slowway taking in lush woodland, the magnificent Treffry viaduct and sweeping open farmland.

If by luck or design you prefer to take the lower path through the valley this is also fine, just pass under the viaduct and go up the steps near the Luxulyan car park for a short climb to the viaduct walkway to rejoin the route.

The field at the end of the viaduct becomes quite overgrown with bracken at times but if you just follow the old tramway at the foot of the gate it will take you to the same place.

Pick up the distinctive black-cross waymarked Saints Way to Luxulyan. You will find a helpful village store here and a pub well accustomed to walkers.

Exit the village via farmland (no animals on the day I walked) and enjoy some easy road walking through open country and treskilling down. The clay trails will bring you in to Bugle. The railway halt is an unexpected find at the end of a residential street. It was graced by an excited family going for a day in Newquay when I was there. The barmaid at the Bugle Inn kindly filled my water bottle and I was made very welcome.

This is a great route for Slowways.


20 May 2022 Spring

I walked this route in reverse, starting in St Blazey.

Despite not being a right of way, the start of this route follows a well trodden path alongside a waterway to the bottom of the Luxulyan valley. Lots of dog walkers seem to use this route.

The Luxulyan valley is beautiful, with old tramways and waterways weaving their way through the woodland. It has maps and noticeboards at the entrance, and well defined paths, generally following the old tramways. They are bumpy paths, and the slow way route goes up a fairly steep hill for a decent ammount of time. It's quite easy to get distracted and take the wrong path, as I did! However, it seems generally that all paths are connected in some way, so you can end up at the right end of the valley eventually. After crossing the impressive viaduact, some footpaths lead to the village of Luxulyan. This did go through a cow field, but they were well behaved.

The village has toilets and a post office/shop for supplies if needed. The official route takes the road around the village to the other side, but there is a short fairly busy stretch with no pavement. A public footpath through the small residential area is available if preferred.

Upon leaving the village it was quiet lanes and footpaths into Bugle. I heard a Cuckoo on Treskilling Downs which was a bonus.

Bugle was busy with traffic, but had pavements on all busy roads, so is easy to navigate. It also has shops a pub and a train station.

Overall a very good slow way that felt direct, but safe and interesting. Due to the nature of the paths in the Luxulyan Valley it is not suitable for wheeling. I also recall crossing some stiles.

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