
Buccul one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Buckie and Cullen.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Buckie and Cullen.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref NJ4251965574
Lat / Lon 57.67632° / -2.96543°
Easting / Northing 342,519E / 865,574N
What3Words spiking.sidelined.wider
Grid Ref NJ5124067105
Lat / Lon 57.69110° / -2.81953°
Easting / Northing 351,240E / 867,105N
What3Words cookie.jams.tonal

Buccul One's land is

Arable 25.0%
Other agricultural land 10.6%
Pasture 22.1%
Urban 17.2%
Woods 25.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



29 Oct 2022 Autumn

Review of SlowWays Route Buccul one (Buckie to Cullen)
I walked this route in reverse (Cullen to Buckie), and almost immediately, I discovered a problem. The path along the bed of the old railway which the route takes to / from Cullen main street is inaccessible, and the access point to the path shown on the route (at NJ51216721) actually leads into a private driveway. A passer-by helpfully directed me to another access point, around 200 metres to the west of the mapped one, which enabled me to get up onto the railway path (at NJ50996709). Sure enough, a little exploration confirmed that the path was completely blocked by a locked door at NJ51026711. The traveller coming in the other direction (from Buckie) will arrive at this door and have to retrace his or her steps as far as the access point mentioned above.
Heading out of Cullen, the route quickly leaves the railway path and follows the Burn of Cullen before crossing a bridge and zig-zagging through farmland along well-surfaced roads. As it reaches Robber’s Wood on the left, the route heads into Bauds Wood. The path becomes very indistinct at this point, and a certain amount of wayfaring is required to reach the field edge a little to the east. The route supposedly follows a track up the side of the field but the farmer has actually planted right up to this edge so care has to be taken to pick a way through. Once a cottage is passed it is possible to cross the fence and walk down the cottage access road. However this part of the route is not ideal and would benefit from improvement. Once the A98 is crossed (take care), the next part of the route is very simple as it follows quiet back roads as far as the settlement of Rathven. The route now plunges into woodland and although a certain amount of path maintenance has obviously taken place, the going is rough (and potentially muddy) in places. Eventually, this path joins the Moray Coastal Cycle Route for the final section into the centre of Buckie.
This is an easy and interesting route for the walker (not fully accessible to wheelers) which manages to stay away from main roads at all but one point along its length. I recommend the route on the basis that the two problems encountered (the locked door in Cullen and the field edge at Bauds Wood) can be worked around fairly easily.

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