
Brathe one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Brandon and Thetford.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Brandon and Thetford.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

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Reviews - 2

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Downloads - 5


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TL7840586530
Lat / Lon 52.44762° / 0.62376°
Easting / Northing 578,405E / 286,530N
What3Words extremely.managers.manly
Grid Ref TL8676183651
Lat / Lon 52.41898° / 0.74496°
Easting / Northing 586,761E / 283,651N

Brathe One's land is

Green urban 8.2%
Other agricultural land 0.9%
Pasture 3.8%
Urban 16.1%
Woods 70.9%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Alex Bennett

07 Jan 2024 Winter

We did this route in winter, from thetford to brandon. it's a nice walk, but leaving thetford the route takes you a long a single track (and muddy in our case) route along the river bank. In some places, fallen trees made it somewhat awkward and the river was overflowing the footpath in one area. Made for a fun walk, but not currently suitable for anyone with mobility issues or a pushchair.

Once into to forrest sections walking is along mostly gravel forestry service tracks, with a few sandy sections. We saw a couple of deer but no other walkers on the route.

There's one short section along a road with no footpath on the outskirts of Brandon, but it wasn't busy and even wet, we were fine walking on the verge.

Would be a great walk in summer months.


01 Jan 2024 (edited 19 Jan 2024) Winter

This is a really nice wooded walk and route and I would repeat it and plan to. This is not a good route for anything other than a walker/runner though as there are some narrow riverside paths - some quite sloppy - hence the four star review. In town it's mostly paved bar a small section in Thetford which could be avoided by taking a slightly different path. However, the narrow paths along the river follow this so it's not worth altering the route. On the riverside route are a few smaller trees across the path but only a minor step over but a bike would have to stop. See images. The route is clearly used by bikes though as there were a lot of tyre treads. The majority of the route is through the forest on wide tracks which is really nice even on a wintry day. Surface types gravel, compacted dirt, softer dirt with muddy sections and sand. Even after a lot of rain these were still navigable where muddier. Hopefully a temporary issue but there were some mature trees down which were more of a scramble and make it temporarily harder as there was no scope to go round. Likewise by the Weir, which is where you cross the river, the path immediately after required crossing two small streams which seemed to be overflow where the banks had broken. Neither was deep nor too slippy or difficult but again access is harder. See photos. The route felt safe and there was a very short stretch only at the start of Brandon which was without pavement and on a verge. The road was not busy though. In Thetford there were a few narrowed gates /entries meant to limit some users but I do not think it would impede genuine path users. See images. Really pleasant walk. I would note we found the distance closer to 14km not 12.7km as listed.

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