
Bankin two
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By wellchoughed on 04 Jul 2022







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This route (Bankin 2) follows the route of Bankin one but avoids the impassable section just west of the Airth Castle Estate and instead detours through Airth Village

This route (Bankin 2) follows the route of Bankin one but avoids the impassable section just west of the Airth Castle Estate and instead detours through Airth Village


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NS8113690248
Lat / Lon 56.09019° / -3.91196°
Easting / Northing 281,136E / 690,248N
What3Words reset.decompose.person
Grid Ref NS9312087513
Lat / Lon 56.06846° / -3.71836°
Easting / Northing 293,120E / 687,513N
What3Words holdings.pushover.essay

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05 Jul 2022 Summer

Review of SlowWays Route Bankin2 (Bannockburn to Kincardine).
I designed this route as an alternative to Bankin1 (which I found blocked when I walked it). I have tried to make the review as impartial as possible.
As I commented in my review of Bankin1, this is a long and at times quite challenging route. It has two specific challenges which are: (1) a section on roadway with no pavement; (2) a section along the edge of a cereal field with no discernible footpath.
I walked the route in reverse, beginning in Kincardine. The first part of the route (or last, if coming the other way) heads out of Kincardine and across the Kincardine on Forth Bridge. At the roundabout, a path heads north to go under the A876. The route then follows a quiet country road before emerging on the A 905. Heading north along this road leads to the village of Airth. By following Main Street, High Street and Cemetery Road, the village is left behind with fine views back down the hill (although these may eventually be obscured by extensive building works going on). A right turn just before Airth Mains leads to a zig-zagging path through farmland. This eventually emerges onto the B9124 which is followed until a right fork is taken at Westfield. A track is followed straightforward through more fields and as it swings round to the right, the route follows an indistinct path straight ahead through another field to a “finger post” which is a useful guide here (this part of the route would be virtually impassable for cyclists and is difficult going for the walker). The route zigzags around another field and eventually emerges on Moss Road. The next part of the route is directly across the road, a gravel track leading to Darnbogue Farm. Just before the farm buildings, the route heads off to the right following a muddy track into woodland. This eventually shrinks to a narrow, grassy path before widening again at an isolated house and following a metalled road to a five-way junction. Turning right here (the signpost is hidden by thick foliage) leads onto a good track to Cowie (with excellent, panoramic views) and then metalled roads through the village and out again via Bannockburn Road. There is a footpath along most of the way but a short section before the roundabout at Greenyards involves walking on the B9124 itself. There is then a simple section down into Bannockburn and the end of the route. Overall an interesting route which requires some care in places (stars deducted for indistinct sections and the need to walk on the main road). The route would definitely benefit from more use as it is showing signs of neglect (indicator signs in need of replacement and some sections becoming overgrown). However in return, it can provide lovely views and a glimpse of a part of lowland Scotland which is not well known.

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Bankin one




120 m


155 m

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