Report a problem

Route — Meloak-8916

Only use this page to report problems with a route. Problems might include routes being badly drawn, inappropriate or not fitting with the Slow Ways methodology.

To report problems with paths (such as locked gates, rampant overgrowth, missing signs or blockages) please contact Rambler's Pathwatch

Existing problems reported with Meloak-8916

  • I must have ticked the wrong boxes in the 'successfully completed' and the 'recommended by an expert' sections - I only did this with a small dog. I would not recommend anyone do this route with a large or very large dog (unless it can jump over 4ft) or with a wheelchair. I am not familiar with all terrain wheelchairs so I cannot comment on their ability to do this footpath. Reported 22 Mar 2022

Spotted a problem on the website? Let us know by completing this form and we’ll look into it.

(You are reporting a problem with the Route Meloak-8916)