Only use this page to report problems with a route. Problems might include routes being badly drawn, inappropriate or not fitting with the Slow Ways methodology.
To report problems with paths (such as locked gates, rampant overgrowth, missing signs or blockages) please contact Rambler's Pathwatch
Existing problems reported with Higset-9032
- I took a walk which shared part of this route on 16 July and encountered the following mapping issue which I have reported to Ordnance Survey. The SlowWays route inherits this issue from OS mapping, so those surveying the route should consider this. OS Landranger and Explorer maps indicate a public footpath running east-west along the northern side of buildings at Upper Hardacre, between SD 71594 68527 and SD 71407 68569. This contradicts rights of way mapping on the North Yorkshire County Council website, which shows the right of way running along the track around the southern side of the farm buildings. The latter position was reflected by the farm resident when I walked through the farm yesterday as a footpath user - she advised me that there had never been a public path around the north side of the buildings. Reported 21 Jul 2021