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Review — 50

Existing problems reported with 50

  • This route tries to take the water through a gated, private woodland across the lane after Frith Wood. (One of the photos shows this and it's noted in the reviews.) The route needs updating to show the detour (on road and then footpath) required as a result of this. Ledmal 2 uses the correct, accessible and legal route at this point. Reported 07 Feb 2023
  • This route goes through several miles of private land with no right of way in the Broadlands Estate: Reported 24 May 2022
  • Jock's Road / Tolmouth remains inaccessible, Storm Arwen wiped out much of Glen Doll's forests and the path between Glen Doll ranger base and the end of the forest is still blocked. Access is possible by walking up the South Esk, going left round by Loch Esk and reaching Crow Craigies that way, then down to Braemar Reported 29 Apr 2022
  • I updated my profile with my picture and when I saved it, I got an 500 error - no explanation as to what it means and no indication of how to resolve the problem. Can you help please? Neil Cameron Reported 02 Jan 2024

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